Applied Computer Technology

2006 Fall
Section A: Tuesday 9:10am-10:00am
Section B: Friday 9:10am-10:00am 
Section C: Friday 10:10am-11:00am

項目符號 Assignments Guidelines

* Guideline for autobiography
* Guideline for Wedding card
* Guideline for Bookmark
* Guideline for 3D superman/superwoman/super animal
* Guideline for Table of Content (in-class activity)
* Guideline for Poster Design
* Guideline for Resume
* Guideline for Business card & calendar (in-class activity)
* Questions for Cybercrime


項目符號 Assignments Upload site

Please visit the site here.

-- ID and password are given to you in class.
-- Each section has a different ID and password. Please remember your own section number and upload the assignment to the correct location so that the TA can find your files.
-- You will be able to upload your files but not download or delete them. Check that you have the correct file before you upload it.
-- For your assignments, please name them as "section_type_name" with underlines between each word. For example, for Doris Shih's autobiography in section A, I will name it as  "a_autobiography_dorisshih.doc"