Section B 
Department of English Language and Literature
   Fu Jen Catholic University



Assignments & Activities

Dyadic Information for "The Rights to Writeˇ¨ project



(1) Our composition modes include: 1. Analysis I (textual); 2. Analysis II (Timed Writing and Beyond: Writing tasks from IELTs, TOEFL); 3.Argumentation; 4. RP outline & article review.

(2) ˇ§The Rights to Writeˇ¨ project & Journal entries (on Weblogs)

In this semesterˇ¦s class, you will be writing more than just the formal papers. You will be working on ˇ§The Rights to Writeˇ¨ project with students of National Chung-Cheng University (see the project description below). You will contribute to the weekly topic through tendem writing of 4 entries around 60-80 words in each (2 from you and 2 from your partner). Please work on this part on YOUR PARTNERˇ¦S BLOG.

Since the postings for the projects are short, you will need to write more on your own blog (as journal entries). You will turn in 7 sets of journals this semester (two weeks per set). The total requirement for the project and the journals will be equivalent to 30 pages of 1.5 space A4 page. To fulfill this part of the journal activity grade, you will create your own Weblog to record your entries (If you already have a blog, give me the URL. Otherwise, create a new account. On the second week, we will setup the weblog account in class together.). You may also put your brainstorming and writing processes for your junior research paper outlines as part of the journals throughout the whole semester.  

ˇ§The Rights to Writeˇ¨ Project Description

During the course of your writing skill development, you are becoming a writer who can write for different audience. It is a way to express yourself and communicate your thoughts. As claims by Professor Karen-Beth Scholthof: ˇ§Iˇ¦m not interested in exams. I donˇ¦t see the sense in rote memorization. I want my students to gain confidence that they have opinions and can defend their point of viewˇ¨ ; the purpose of the project is to create a safe place for you to record your thoughts and engage in an intellectual conversation. Although English is not your first language and you are not that comfortable using it to voice yourself, you still hold the right to write.  

This project is a collaborative tandem writing between the English major students at National Chung-Cheng University and Catholic Fu-Jen University. Each of you is partnered with a keypal who you have never met, so you can feel comfortable expressing yourself without social constraints: your worries, your beliefs, your doubts, your viewpoints, your growth, or your core values. You will be using blogs to share your thoughts with your faithful partner and have an in-depth discussion.    


(1) BBC Program/other program
For this activity, I would like you (in groups) to pick a program to be recorded out of the BBC program site: We will ask the TA of LC 201 Media room to help record the program. (Or you may pick other programs if you have the source). You will need to present the issues discussed in the program and moderate discussions in the class. It would also be helpful if you chose a program which is related to your SOAP topic (In this case, you can gain different perspectives on Taiwan vs. out-of-Taiwan)

(2) The Cross-section Social Observation Analysis Presentations (SOAP) (page created by Prof. Kate Liu) are on 12/1 (Tuesday) and 12/4 (Friday) this year. This activity allows you to work in a group and observe/investigate some social issues:
     a) Topic due:  10/2 (Friday)
     b) Proposal due: 10/23 (Friday) -- Proposal includes:  title, working thesis, working hypotheses, methodologies (include background information, research resources, observation interview, and argument--but not necessarily original argument, though).   Students should know some interview etiquettes beforehand.

We will form 4 groups (4-5 people) in each section and each group will give 40 minutes of presentation + 10 minutes of Q&A.

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Website maintained by Doris Shih & Sam Jheng;
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