Department of English Language and Literature
 Fu Jen Catholic University



2010/1/13 Group Conferences in Doris's office SF 228
(Bring your 4-year plan and talk about it)
(All assignments due on this day!)

3:30-3:45pm --
3:46-4:00pm --

4:01-4:15pm -- G11
4:16-4:30pm -- G12
4:31-4:45pm -- G13
4:46-5:00pm -- G14
5:01-5:15pm -- G15
5:16-5:30pm -- G16

2010/1/6 Group Conferences in Doris's office SF 228
(Bring your 4-year plan and talk about it)

3:30-3:45pm -- G1
3:46-4:00pm -- G2
4:01-4:15pm -- G3
4:16-4:30pm -- G4
4:31-4:45pm -- G5
4:46-5:00pm -- G6
5:01-5:15pm -- G7
5:16-5:30pm -- G8


2009/12/23 at 2:30PM 防災科學教育館
Map click here

與 Doris 和助教 Sylvia & Angus 一同前往的同學請於12:30pm 在校門口集合(可自行帶一點午餐)逾時不候 !!!

How to arrive there:
801, 636, 或 638 至 民權承德路口 --> 紅29 or 617 to 內湖行政中心

2009/12/16 at 13:40-15:30 -- SF 130 學長姊分享

Invited speakers --

Andy -- 外交學程,英文系學會會長
Sylvia -- 貿經輔系
Shana -- 音樂輔系
Zoe -- 財法雙學位
Grace -- 餐旅雙學位
Edward -- 親善大使
Hazel -- 教育學程
Crystal -- 翻譯學程
Johny -- 英文研究所


2009/12/09 at 13:30-15:30 理圖劇場 Alumni Forum

Outstanding Speakers --

Joyce Tai 臺美光 (1998)
Wendy Yang 楊茲婷 (2000)
Jacob Hsieh 謝佳振 (2004)
Bruce Chao 趙士麃 (2006)
Peggy Yu 游蓓茹 (2007)

2009/12/02 at 14:00: 美國文化中心    Map click here

與 Doris 和助教 Sylvia & Angus 一同前往的同學請於12:30pm 在校門口集合
(可自行帶一點午餐)逾時不候 !!!

How to arrive there:

513公車至捷運台大醫院站 --> 20號公車信義幹線到世貿國際貿易大樓/世貿中心

搭公車至板橋捷運站-->坐捷運至市府站-->步行約15分到 臺北市信義區基隆路一段333號(國貿大樓)21樓2101室


Tentative Agenda provided by May Wang, Deputy IRC Director, AIT Information Resource Center:

2:00-2:10 --  Welcome & Introduction

2:10-2:40 -- U.S. Holidays (in Chinese)

2:45-3:15 -- American Culture (in English by an AIT officer)

3:15-3:30 -- Q & A

2009/11/18 at 13:30 (焯炤館): 學生輔導中心教師:自我探索與生涯規劃

2009/11/04 at 15:30 (淨心堂): 宗輔中心使命特色單元

2009/10/28 Speech at 13:30 (利瑪竇地下一樓演講廳): 我是誰?尋覓生命中的真我

2009/10/21 at 15:30 ((野聲樓4F): Visit FJU History Office

Welcome to Introduction to University Studies!

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Copyright 2009 by Dr. Doris Shih;
Website maintained by Doris Shih & Sam Jheng;
All rights reserved and these materials may not be published without any permission