


Course Description

Stories of Growth in Literature and Film:

Indian Subcontinent, Africa and the Caribbean Area


  • 了解和分析有不同文化、歷史背景的後殖民文學和電影;
  • 對性別、種/國族和個人成長之關係等問題深刻思考;
  • 培養跨文化自覺以及彈性建構他國文化知識的能力。


(1) 閱讀印度次大陸、西非、南非和加勒比海地區英文文學(english literatures)和這些區域的電影所呈現的成長故事,並分析其展現的階級、種族、性別之錯綜複雜的關係;

(2) 鋪設文學和電影中的權力關係的文化與歷史脈絡

(3) 由文學、網路和大眾文化等獲得認識其他文化的方法,比較文化差異,並進而思考跨文化溝通所應有的態度。




This course aims at using the stories of childhood and/or growth written and filmed in the English-speaking countries in Indian Subcontinent, West and South Africa and the Caribbean area to develop students  

--  abilities in analyzing postcolonial literature and film of different cultural and historical backgrounds;

-- understanding of how one’s growth—especially in childhood—can be conditioned by one’s gender, national and race identities, and

-- cross-cultural awareness and cognitive flexibility in building knowledge about other cultures.  

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

1)      identify the themes of the selected stories of growth and explain their thematic development through relations of gender, race and class and their formal elements. 

2)      locate the texts in their historical and cultural contexts, and

3)      through these concrete examples, approach and compare different cultures to build an overall picture (jigsaw puzzle) of the world and constantly adjust it.     

Professional Knowledge & Skills

Professional Knowledge

Advanced English Abilities

Literary, Cultural and Historical Comprehension

Professional Skills

Analysis and Organization
Problem Solving


As English majors, we need to know that "English" is not always British, and "American"--not necessarily the U.S.  Also, just as English Literatures include a lot more than British and U.S. literature, foreign films can never be represented by the dream factory of Hollywood.

English literatures
include not only those of the U.S. and U.K., but also those written in the English-speaking countries in areas ranging from Africa,  South Asia, South-East Asia, East Asia (e.g. Hong Kong), South Pacific area (e.g. Australia & New Zealand), the Caribbean area, to North America (e.g. Canada).   (See Map above.)  To distinguish the latter from the former, we call the latter -- postcolonial (Third World) literature in English, or world literatures written in English, or New English literatures.         

This course approaches the vast field of postcolonial literature and culture through short stories and films written and shot in the areas of Indian subcontinent, the Caribbean area and West and South Africa.   To develop a good focus in this two-credit course, we will discuss issues related to children and their growth. 

The two central questions we ask are:  

  How are children influenced by their parents’ gender and race positions in their society which is characterized as (post-)colonial?
 Do they share any similarities with or differences from us with our stories of growth?

We will read and watch a selection of short stories, excerpts of novels, and films in order to be fully engaged in discussing the above questions. Some documentaries on these areas' histories, places and popular culture will be used to help us visualize, enter and understand their cultures.  By the end of this course, you should be able to

1)      read stories of growth presented in the english literatures and films in Indian subcontinent, West Africa, South Africa and the Caribbean area, and analyze their complicated relations of class, race and gender;

2)      set the stories in their cultural and historical contexts, and

3)      approach other cultures through literature, internet and popular culture, compare cultural differences in order to develop proper attitudes in intercultural communication.    

  Requirements and Grading Policy:
1) Reading before class and active participation in class and online is essential. 

2) Three absences constitute reason for failing the course.  If you have to be absent, please let the teachers know beforehand.

3) No plagiarism!

 Online Discussion (at least 3 times, including 1 response to the others' posts, 6% each  )- – 20 %

 Group Report and Class Participation--20%

 Mid-Term: Creative Writing (“A letter to ~” or “My Story of Growth” ) or an analytical paper  -- 20%

(a.    “A letter to ~” with a description of the [imaginary] context in which this letter is to be written,

(b.     “My Story of Growth” with a commentary)   

 Final exam -- 40%

  Textbook: A Reader, Films and Documentaries (Used in Class)

(In-class quizzes will be given if some students are found not reading before class.)
