-Monthly Issue-
     ~ Teresa, Lawrence, Tina, Maggie ~

Taiwan is famous for its hotsprings.  As we know, hotspring does good to human health, therefore, the Tour  Bereu named this year as "HotSpring Year."   Our team are very interested in it so
we introduce  the effects of hotspring and some famous hotsprings in Taiwan.  Enjoy the trip, babe~ ^__*

Some things you MUST know about Hot Spring
Relevant Links

 Submarine hotspring
 Terrestrial heat
  Mineral  A mineral is a substance such as tin, salts,  uranium, or sulfur that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth.
Bathrobe A bathrobe is a loose piece of clothing made of toweling which you wear before or after a bath.
Ladle A ladle is a large, round, deep spoon with long handle, used for serving soup or stew.
Fahrenheit  It is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees.
Celsius   It is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 degree and boils at 100 degrees.
Steam Steam is the hot mist that forms when water boils.
Sulphur Spelled sulfur in American English. Sulfur is a yellow chemical which has a strong smell.
Scorch To scorch something means to burn it slightly.
Cardiopathy Heart disease
Gout  Gout is a disease which causes people's joints to swell painfully, especially in their toes.
Ground temperature
Soak To soak means that you spend a long time in a hot bath and enjoy it.
Calorific  The calorific value of something, or its calorific content, is the number of calories it contains; a technical term used in science
Metabolism  Your metabolism is the way that chemical processes in your body cause food to be used in an efficient way, for example to make new cells and to give you energy.  Metabolic means relating to a person's or animal's metabolism; a technical term in biology.
Terrain  It is used to refer to an area of land or a type of land when you are considering its physical features.
Porous  Something that is porous ahs many small holes in it, which water and air can pass through.
Stratum  Any of a series of horizontal layers, especially of rock in the earth's crust.  The strata in the earth's crust are the different layers of rock; a technical term.
Seismic  seismic means caused by or relating to an earthquake.

Some things you MUST know about Hot Spring
HotSpring is good to your beauty
Cautions about Hotspring
The history of the hotspring in Taiwan


Relevant Links
           Hot Spring club It contains a detailed outlook of every hot spring
                                              in Taiwan.  Furthermore, it provides some related
                                              issues for you to discuss as well.
           Sina Net
                      Northern Hot Spring
                      Hotel  Royal Chipen Hotel
                      Wonderland HotSpring Introduction to famous hot springs in TW.


           How do you know about hotspring?
        Sharing experiences....
        Should we be naked in Hot Spring?
          What temperature of hotspring is apppropriate for human body?
         How many times can we soak hotspring in a day?
         How long can we soak hotspring in a time?
         Which diseases can be cured by soaking hotspring?
         Where is the submarine hotspring?
          List at least 2 cautions about hotspring we've mentioned in the play
          Should we soak hotspring before of after meal?
          Can we have a bubble bath in hotspring?


The Trip we design.....