I Want a Bite from You

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Watch out!!!  Dra...Dra..Dracula has come back.  What!!! Yes, it's my pleasure to announce to all of you about his coming.  You will have a close contact with our long lost friend and he had been looking ahead to this day for long.  Don't worry, the day of
his coming is drawing near.  It will be on 20th May,1999.

 I'm sure most of us had came across the word "vampire" but why does a vampire continue to fascinate us?

 * In nothing else, images of vampires has changed drastically over the last few decades.  Normally, vampires had been depicted as souless, mindless creatures who desired nothing from the lives except blood.  It is a creature that leaves its grave at night often times in the form of a bat to drink the human's blood.  Before the break of the day, it has to come back to its grave or an urn mortuary.

    The word vampire has its roots in the Mediterranean languages.  The earliest reference to the word arises in the slavonic Magyar from 'vam' meaning blood and 'pir' meaning monster.  The vampire is a creature that breaks the natural cycle of life by refusing to die completely and manages to survive by draining life-giving blood from the living.

    The vampire is still a representation of a frightening truth in our lives; every living thing must die. The reason why vampire still fascinates us is because his very nature is just the direct opposite of that truth.  He died in order to have existence and his existence is fed by the death of others.