Group members: Lily, Gina, Eric, and Christin
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     About two million stray dogs roam Taiwan. That's one dog for every ten people! Their barking is a nuisance, and their bitespose a dangerous threat. The animals can terrorize people, and in extreme situations, maim or even kill. The strays cause traffic accidents and their excrement makes side-walks unsightly and unsanitary.

        Even healty-looking dogs and cats can host fleas, ticks and hookworm, all of which can be transmitted to people, causing serious health problems. However, massexterminationis only a short-term solution. A better, long-term answer lies in increasing people's awareness of the cruelty and consequences of abandoning animals. In addition, we must practice and promote responsible pet ownership. That means keeping pets at home, or on a leash when exercising; it means having pets spayed or neutered. By doning so, we can save our animals both from awful death of the street and from the heartless death of the syringe.

Relevent source: China Post, Dec. 16th, 1998


1. to roam----to wander with no very clear aim
Ex. David finally settled down after years of roaming.
Ex. We should take care of teenagers who roam street at midnight.
2. nuisance----a person or animal that annoys or cause trouble
Ex. The noise of sawing is a nuisance.

3. pose a threat----threaten
Ex. A psychopath poses a threat in our society.
4. to maim----to harm in a part of the body so that it cannot be used
Ex. He is maimed by a car accident.
5. excrement----the solid waste passed from the body
Ex. Cleaning the pet's excrement is the biggest problem of its owner.
6. unsanitary----harmful to health
Ex.It's unsanitary that you don’t wash your hand before eating.
7. tick----small insect-like animals that bury themselves in the skin of animals ans suck their blood
Ex. If you don't wash your dog, it will host ticks.

8. be transmitted to----to pass or to send from one to another
Ex. Fly can host germ, and they can be transmitted to people, causing diseases.
9. mass extermination----to kill all the creatures in a place
Ex. Mass extermination in Europe during World War II was a terrible experience.
10.on a leash----tied a dog with a length of rope
Ex. When I take a walk with my dog, I will let it on a leash.
11.spay----to remove the sex organs of female animals
12.neuter----to remove the sex organs of male animals
Ex. People say that spayed or neutered dogs would be fatter, what do you
13.syringe----a pipe used in medicine, into which liquid can be drawn and from which it can be pushed out in a particular direction
Ex.  It’s a terrible experience that a nurse bring the syringe to you.
14. grim----cruel, hard or causing fear
Ex. Final exam is a grim task of all students.

1. pound (n.)—a place where stray dogs or cats are taken and kept until they are claimed by someone
 Ex. Many pounds in Taiwan now are overcrowded.
2. rehabilitate(v.)—to make something or someone become the same as he or it is before
Ex. Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.
3. surge(n.)—a sudden large increase in something
Ex. Various reasons caused the recent surge in inflation.
4. euthanasia(n.)—a practice of killing someone painlessly in order to stop their suffering when they are dying or have an incurable illness
Ex. Euthanasia is still illegal in most countries.
5. vet(n.)—in British English, a vet is someone who is qualified to treat the sick or injured animals; in American English, it means someone who has served in the army forces of their country
Ex. When your pet is sick, you need to consult a vet.
6. resent(v.)—to feel angry about something or someone
Ex. She resents her mother for being so tough on her.
7. to get st. off the ground(phr.)—to start something
Ex. We have to get the project off the ground right now.
8. expertise(n.)—special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study or practice
Ex. Most local authorities lack the expertise to deal with such a problem.
9. premise(n.)—usually add “s” to mean the land where a building or  something occupies
Ex. The school needs more premises to develop its campus.


1. Immensely (adv) : =enormously ; you use immensely to emphasize the degree or extent of a quality, feeling, or process.
Ex. Wind surfing can be strenuous but immensely exciting…I enjoyed this movie immensely.
2. Conservationist (n) : A conservationist is a someone who cares greatly about the conservation of the environment and who works and campaigns for its protection.

3. Jurisdiction (n) : Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgements or to enforce laws. The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.

4. Flaw (n) : =imperfection; A flaw in something such as a pattern or material is a fault in it that should not be there.
Almost all of these studies have serious flaws.

5. Competent (adj) : Someone who is competent is efficient and effective.
He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.

6. Deficiency (n) : A deficiency that someone or something has is a weakness or imperfection in them.
The most serious deficiency in their marriage is the lack of communication.

7. Conjunction (n) : If one thing is done or used in conjunction with another, the two things are done or used together.
Since iron destroys vitamin E, these two nutrients should not be taken in conjunction.

8. Undertake (v) : If you undertake to do something, you promise that you will do it. He undertook to finish the assignments himself.
 Paralytic----describe that a person can't move his/her body or a certain part of his/her body.
He crouched his paralytic legs on the chair, waiting for someone to help him standing up.
Wire----a ling thin piece of metal like strong string that is used for fastening things or in fences, cages, etc.
He tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire.
Entanglements----iron string
Lucky wants to get out of the cage of entanglements for a very long time.
Urine----the yellow liquid that is passed from your body when you go to the toilet.
The owner of the pets should make them pass out the urine outdoors.
Ubiquitous----describe that something that exists everywhere.
We can always see ubiquitous trash in the park.
Round up----to gather sb/sth in one place.
The teacher rounded up the children.
Outnumber----(often passive) to be greater in number than sb/sth.
The enemy troops outnumbered us by three to one.
Scenario----(from Italian) script, also means something that is unreal.
Many of the people hope that the scenario of “You've got mail” can become a real story in their life.
Neuter----to remove the sexual parts of an animal.
It can solve lots of problems if the pets are neutered.


  1. Who should take the responsibility?
  2. Is it proper to hunt the dogs on the street?
  3. Is putting stray animals to sleep really the solution?
  4. Who will carry out the grim task of killing them?
  5. What other solutions can you come up with?
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