Introduction to Literature, Spring, 1998
A: What else can we do to make our course more interactive,
and the English Literature Databank Our Databank?
B: Why not develop your talent and save something in our English Literature Databank?
Why not have fun matching colors, images with your great ideas?
          B: Right! 
        Make a Homepage on
    an Author, a Literary Genre, or an Issue.
[Detailed explanation of Purposes for this activity]
:(  A: But how?  :(
B: Don't panic.  Please read the following step-by-step instructions
Goals, Requirements & Examples
Step One: Journal Writing
Step Two: 
Group Work
  •  How much time do you need?
  •  Is making a homepage difficult?
  • Step Three:
    Making/Designing your Homepage 
  • One of the purposes of Introduction to Literature is to help you understand literary works and express your ideas about them in an organized and professional way.  For us non-native speakers, however, writing about English Literature in English can be difficult.  That's why we have journal-writing as a requirement last semester (Fall, 1997), some of which are saved in our databank.
  • To make the task of thinking and writing about literature more interesting, active and interactive, we ask you to make a homepage and report on it to the whole class.  It should be:
  • Back

    1. Specific Goal and Requirements Back

    Step One: JOURNAL WRITING-- What you are aleady capable of and have been doing.
        The major difference is that, if you know the topic of your homepage before you do the writing, you can go ahead and do the writing in HTML format (e.g. using Netscape editor to write).  If that is the case, then you can include pictures and links at this early stage of writing.  Another case is to turn the (Word) document file into HTML file, which is very easy, too.

    See the journal page in the English Literature Databank
    (An example of what the other college students did: on-line discussion from a class in U. of Texas at Austin )

    Step Two: GROUP WORK-- What you need to learn and do

    Step Three: MAKING & DESIGNING YOUR HOMEPAGE --Are you excited about it or afraid of it?   Is making a homepage difficult?
    No, it is just another kind of word-processing which allow images.  However, we do understand that some of you are still alergic to computers and anything new takes time to get used to.  We, therefore, ask for a group work but not individual work, and, more importantly, we will make our assisstants available for you to ask questions.  Also, in case you gorget about some commands, we have a simplified guide on our Iinternet-Course main page.  (The guide, by the way, has an easily remembered address:

    5. How much time do you need?
    Suggested Schedule:
    Week I
    The month before 
    the report time 
    10 days before 
    the report time
    3 days before
    the report time
    Step I
    Step II 
    Step III
    Step IV
    Forming a group and discuss a possible topic, author or date to report on.  Divide up your job and work 
    out a specific schedule for this working month.
    Meet to hand in all the materials to the designer, and discuss possible ways of design.  Meet to look at the final product and discuss how you want to present it to the whole class.
    Rules 1. Be committed Don't try to sit back and earn grades from the others' hard work.  We don't want to create enemies among you, but to be fair to all the students, you should report to us if some do not help or show up in your meetings.
    Rules 2. Don't plagiarize; remember to cite your sources.
    Since not all of you know about formal research writing or citation, we ask you to at least take down
    1) the name of the writer (if you can find it); 2) the site title (if you can find it), 3) the site address, 4) the date of access (the date when you get it).
    The following is a simplified version of citation of Web materials for your reference:
    MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Source (from
    The basic components:
    Author's Lastname, Author's Firstname"Title of  
      Document."  Title of Complete Work (if 

      applicable).  Version or File Number, if applicable. 

      Document date or date of  last revision (if  

      different from access date).   Protocol and  

      address, access path or directories (date of  


    Burka, Lauren P.  "A Hypertext History of Multi-User 
              Dimensions." The MUDdex.  1993. 


              (5 Dec. 1994)

    E-Mail or Listserv: 
    Bruckman, Amy S.  "MOOSE Crossing Proposal."  

      mediamoo@media. (20 Dec. 1994).
    Thomson, Barry.  "Virtual Reality."  Personal e-mail (25 Jan. 
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