Undergraduate Courses: Spring 2000
English Department, FJCU

Spring 2000

Spring 2000 List of Required Courses


Chinese/required/2 credits
Ms. Hsieh
Physical Education/required/0 credit
Ms. Lan
Constitution & the Founding Spirit/required/2 credits
Mr. Wang
Topics in History/required/2 credits
Dr. Liu
Military Education (M)/required/0 credit
Mr. Jiang
Military Education (F)/required/0 credit
Ms. Yeh
English Composition I
English Conversation I
Bible and Literature (A) & (B)
Dr. Raphael Schulte
English Lab (A)
Ms. Jennifer Chiu
English Lab (B)
Ms. Agnes Chao
English Reading (A)
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan
English Reading (B)
Ms. Daphne Lin
Applied Computer Technology (A)
Dr. Lo
Applied Computer Technology (B)
Dr. Lo
Applied Computer Technology (C)
Ms. Doris Chang
Introduction of Western Literature (A)
Bro. Nicholas Koss
Introduction of Western Literature (B)
Ms. Doris Chang


English Composition II
English Conversation II

Section D: Daphne Lin
Philosophy of Life
Ms. Belen Sy
Linguistics (A)
Ms. Thomas Nash
Linguistics (B)
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan
History of Western Civilization II (A)
Dr. Joseph Murphy
History of Western Civilization II (B)
Dr. Benjamin Teng
Public Speaking (A)
Dr. Lyn Scott
Public Speaking (B)
Ms. Tina Kuo
Public Speaking (C)
Ms. Tina Kuo


English Composition III English Conversation III


Spring 2000 List of Elective Courses

100 Literary Criticism II: Capitalism and Society
(Dr. Kate Liu) 
202. Performing Arts: Directing
(Dr. Lyn Scott)
101 British Literature II
(Ms. Jennifer Chiu)
203 Teaching Children
(Ms. Jane Yang)
102 Contemporary Short English Fiction
(Fr. Daniel Bauer)
204 Cross-cultural Communication
(Dr. Mei-chen Huang)
103 English Renaissance Literature and Culture
(Dr. Raphael Schulte)
300 Journalistic Writing in English II
(Ms. Tzi-yu Lin)
104 Major American Fiction
(Bro. Nicholas Koss)
301 Business English Writing  II
(Mr. Brian Reynolds)
105 American Drama: Plays for the Next Millennium
(Dr. Lyn Scott)
302 Chinese-English Translation  II
(Mr. Daniel Wang)
106. World Literature in English
(Dr. Kate Chi-wen Liu)
400 Computer-Aided Research Methods and Bibliography
(Ms. Daphne Lin)
200. Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
(Mr. Thomas Nash)
401 Advanced Overseas Chinese
(Dr. Chi-luen Liu)
201. Grammar for Teaching
(Dr. Yun-pi Yuan)
402 Chinese Poetry II
(Mr. Ching-kwai-yu Hsieh)


 Course Description: Fall 2000

100. Literary Criticism II: Capitalism and Society 
2 credits 
Dr. Kate Liu 
For Sophomores above
See the course's homepage.

     The approaches we take will be: Marxism, structuralism/semiotics, poststructuralism/postmodernism, and, depending on your interest, cultural studies or postcolonialism.  Like Literary Criticism (I), we will learn to analyze literary work as well as other cultural products from different critical perspectives.  One major difference from Literary Criticism (I) is that we will focus more on placing the text in its (broader) context.  To put it simply, 
* for Marxism, it is society as a class structure; 
* for structuralism/semiotics, the context is linguistic (narrative or semiotic) system; 
* for poststructuralism, it is society as a textual field; 
*for postmodernism, it is contemporary high-tech society and all kinds of de-centering tendencies; 
* for postcolonialism, it is the histories of colonialism and anti-colonialism, and 
* for cultural studies, "culture" as a whole way of life which includes both high art and popular culture, top-down control and bottom-up resistance. 

Wow, so much and so -- abstract.  To make the theories more concrete and closer to us, we will read literary texts, as well as other cultural products as examples.  To have a sense of focus, we will have as our central themes Capitalism and Society and examine literary texts about them.  Examining the texts from different perspectives, we will ask: 
--  How do the texts present different cultures and societies?  How do different cultures and societies influence the production of a certain text?  Can literary work transcend its time and society? 
--  How do the texts as cultural products embody different ideas or use different codes? 
--  How do we read cities, their signs and their spatial arrangements? 

More and more interesting questions will be asked as we start our discussion in class. 

Textbooks--selected chapters from Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice  +  handouts  (for instance, one chapter from 《後現代主義與文化理論》---詹明信


101.British Literature II 
2 credits 
Ms. Jennifer Chiu 
For Sophomore above 

This course is a survey of English literature in the 19th and 20th centuries. The first half of the course will cover the Romantic (1798-1832) and Victorian (1832-1901) periods. For the 20th century, most attention will be given to the Modern period (1914-c.1965). 

Norton Anthology of English Literature, 6th ed. Vol. II. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. 
Frankenstein. By Mary Shelley. 1831. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1969. (Bookman Books, Ltd.) 

1. Lateness and absences are strongly discouraged. If you have more than three unexcused absences from class, it will be very difficult for you to pass this course. Three lates equal one absence. The teacher must be informed of your absence in advance and provided with substantial evidence to justify it as well. When absent on the day for assignments to be turned in, you must hand it in the next day (not a week after!) 
2. All three papers required
each with at least 3 pagesmust be turned in on the assigned date. If you want to use any secondary sources, your papers must include parenthetical citations for all paraphrasing and quoting, as well as a list of works cited at the end. You shall fail this course if you plagiarize. 

Tentative Grading Scale: 
Midterm/final exams  45% 
Papers    30% 
Quizzes, group work and class participation  25%


102. Contemporary Short English Fiction 
2 credits 
Fr. Daniel Bauer 
For Juniors above 

This course offers students the opportunity of reading well-written and thought-provoking short stories by leading 20th century English writers.  Some of the texts chosen focus on life in London and thus reveal cultural insights about life in England, particularly during the years of World War II and the difficult years of reconstruction that followed.  Students will be expected to read at least one long short story and sometimes two short stories every week, write journals every 3-4th week, and participate vigorously in class discussion.  Some of the authors we will study are D.H. Lawrence, Elizabeth Bowen, Katherine Mansfiled, Evelyn Waugh, V.S. Pritchett, Doris Lessing, and Graham Greene. 


103. English Renaissance Literature and Culture 
2 credits 
Dr. Raphael Schulte 
For Juniors above 

Students who are interested in this course, please feel free to ask the instructor for more information. 


104. Major American Fiction 
2 credits 
Bro. Nicholas Koss 
For Juniors above 
Class limit: 35
See the course's homepage

The first part of this course will deal with 19th and 20th century short stories by writers such as Washington Irving, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Jack London, Sherwood Anderson, Willa Cather, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bernard Malamud, Flannery OConnor, Maxine Hong Kingston, Frank Chin, John Barth, Robert Coover and Donald Barthelme.  About 30-40 pages of reading will be done each week. 

The second part of this course will look at novels.  The exact list of novels to be read will depend on what novels the students have already read.  It will probably include one 19th century novel and two or three 20th century ones.  For this part of the course, about 60-70 pages will be read per week.  It is hoped that the readings will increase the students ability to read large amounts of English material with good comprehension. 

Students interested in taking this course should give to Judy Peng by December 15 a list of all the American novels they have read in English.  The syllabus for the course will be ready by the end of this semester so that some of the readings can be done over the semester break if desired.  Each class will begin with a writing exercise based on the assigned readings.  Two term papers will be required: one on a short story and one on a novel. 


105. American Drama: Plays for the Next Millennium 
2 credits 
Dr. Lyn Scott 
For Juniors above 

This course is a survey of modern and contemporary works by American dramatists which voice the hopes and fears that border an unknown future.  Selected plays portray American culture as a patchwork quiltof diverse longings, losses and lifestyles.  Beginning with Eugene ONeill's Beyond the Horizon, the class will read and view the corresponding film productions of twelve plays, including Tony Kushners Angels in America, Part I.  In the process of our study, drama will be linked to the theatrical stage and the playwright to his/her role as prophet of the age.  The quiltof plays samples the themes from a mixture of minority ethnic and gender conscious viewpoints, but aims to point out the emergence of a new dramatic genre which according to Bonnie Marranca, join(s) poetical language to a new spiritual energy....(Plays for the End of the Century). 

Requirements: regular class attendance; participation; short reading quizzes; film review; objective mid-term; essay final examination. 


106. World Literature in English 
2 credits 
Dr. Kate Chi-wen Liu 
For Juniors above
See the course's homepage.

Postcolonial Literatures in Indian Subcontinent, the Caribbean Area and Canada 

As English majors, we need to know that "English" is not always British, and "American"--not necessarily the U.S.  How about English Literature?  British and U.S. literature?  In the past, maybe, but now in the age of postcolonialism -- definitely no.

English literatures are all the literatures written in English in 1.) the U.S. and U.K., and in 2.) the English-speaking countries in areas ranging from Africa, South Asia, South-East Asia, East Asia (e.g. Hong Kong), South Pacific area (e.g. Australia & New Zealand), the Caribbean area, to North America (e.g. Canada).   (See Map above.)  To distinguish the latters from the formers, we call the latters--world literatures written in English, or postcolonial (Third World) literature in English, or New English literatures. 

Since world literatures written in English cover so many nations with their distinct national/racial cultures, it is hardly possible to generalize about them, not to mention teaching them all in one course.  These literatures, however, do have common concerns, their nations having all experienced imperialism and colonization, and their peoples, immigration and frequently more than once.   Among the common concerns there are: influences of colonization, possibilities of decolonization and defining national identity, power relations (between the colonizer and the colonized, dominant group and minorities).   These national literatures, moreover, are linked to each other by the large flows of immigrants of Chinese, African and/or Indian descent--what is called Chinese, African and Indian diasporas (離散族群). 

To do a focused survey of world literatures in English, this course chooses literatures (short stories, novel excerpts and poems) in the Indian subcontinent (including Pakistan and India), the Caribbean area (including Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica), and Canada, as well as those by diasporic/immigrant writers from these areas such as Salman Rushdie, Jean Rhys, Michael Ondaatje, V.S. Naipaul, etc.  (See the black areas on Map.)  Our central questions are: 

-- What is colonization?  Is de-colonization possible? 
-- How is national identity defined after the end of official colonization?  Can traditional culture not be contaminated by colonial culture? 
-- What gets involved in immigration?  Identity crisis or cultural exchange/transformation, social mobility/climbing or different forms of racism? 

Heavy reading (each week about 50 pages' prose writing or fewer for poems) will be required to avoid the superficial understanding of these literatures.  On the other hand, history, films (e.g. Salaam Bombay, Wide Sargarso Sea, Exotica), and popular songs (e.g. Bob Marley, Leonard Cohen) will be used to help us visualize, enter and understand the national cultures.  You are also encouraged to bring in other relevant texts from popular culture of these areas. 

As we move from Indian subcontinent to the Caribbean, and then to Canada, the diasporic writers (e.g. Indian-Caribbean, African-Caribbean, Indian-Caribbean-Canadian) will help connect the different regions.  At the end, with discussion of Chinese-Canadian texts, we hope to come back to Taiwan and discuss local engagement in the issues we focus on in class; that is, (de-)colonization, national identity and migration. 

Requirement: Reading before class and active participation in class is essential.  Any late or absence will affect your final grade.   Three absences constitute reason for failing the course.  If you have to be absent, please let the teachers know beforehand. No plagiarism! 

* This course will be co-taught with Prof. Pin-chia Feng (馮品佳) at the department of Foreign Languages of Jiau-tong Univ. (交通大學外文系), utilizing the distance-learning facilities.  You can expect to enjoy being taught by two teachers, and working with students at Jiau-da; at the same time, please be prepared for and tolerant of technical problems that might occur in ISDN connection. 


200. Second Language Acquisition (SLA) 
2 credits 
Mr. Thomas Nash 
For Juniors above 

This course will examine some of the major questions related to how people learn second/foreign languages.  Since we are all second language learners, we will look at our own experiences, and do small-scale pseudo-experiments on ourselves in class, in addition to learning from the textbook.  For this reason, attendance and participation are crucial.  If you will not come to class regularly and participate actively, think twice before you take this course.  Likewise, group cooperation for the experiments and reports will be essential.  If that is not for you, take some other course.  The course will cover methodology, types of data analysis, accepted conclusions about SLA, input to SLA, factors affecting the SLA of individuals, the relationship between teaching and learning, and major theories.  Requirements will include an experiment and report (35%), review of a journal article (20%), comments on the reports of two other groups (15%), a final exam (15%), and participation (15%).  Textbook:  Larsen-Freeman, Diane, and Michael H. Long. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. NY:  Longman, 1991. 


201. Grammar for Teaching 
2 credits 
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan 
For Juniors above 
Class limit: 40 

The objectives of this course are to improve studentsEnglish grammar (and their understanding of grammar) and to introduce them ways to teaching grammar.  We will focus on the following issues: what is grammar, the differences between descriptive and prescriptive grammar, pedagogical and transformational grammar, different approaches and problems in teaching grammar, the most essential and/or tricky grammatical structures, and a number of grammar activities. 

A possible textbook would be Introducing Grammar (by Edward Woods).  Besides, several books will be useful references for the class, including Teaching Grammar: Form, Function and Technique (by Sandra L. McKay), Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers (by Penny Ur), Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar (by Marianne Celce-Murcia and Sharon Hilles), Grammar Games (by Mario Rinvolucri), and a couple of others.  A list of references will be passed out in class.  Students who decide to take this course are required to get hold of at least one comprehensive grammar book, such as The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teachers Course (by Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman), or A Grammar of Contemporary English (by Quirk and Greenbaum), one reference grammar, such as Practical English Usage (by Michael Swan), or Collins Cobuild English Usage

Other requirements for the course include: weekly reading assignments, participation in all class discussions, micro teaching and a lesson plan, a paper on a topic chosen and/or exams/quizzes. 


202. Performing Arts: Directing 
2 credits 
Dr. Lyn Scott 
For Sophomores above 
Class limit: 40 

This course introduces the student to the art of the modern stage director.  It will offer a brief survey of the rise of the director as a specialized artist/interpreter; and include profiles of famous directors of the twentieth century.  The art of the director will be presented from three viewpoints: the organizational work of the director as head of a production team; and the artistry of the director as creator of the mise en scene. The latter includes the directors creation of stage composition, picturization and movement.  Special attention will be given to directing innovations which develop from daring textual analysis and knowledge of multicultural theatre forms.  Thirdly, students will participate in director-actor teams to produce vignettes accompanied by technical experience in lighting and sound. 

Requirements: attendance, participation, completion of directors production book, short quizzes and objective midterm and final examinations on terminology.  Recommended that students complete Performing Arts: Acting as a prerequisite. 


203. Teaching Children 
2 credits 
Ms. Jane Yang 
For Juniors above 
Class limit: 45 

This course will mainly focus on practical techniques of teaching English to young learners. Topics of discussion will include--classroom management, lesson planning, motivation theories, songs and games, teaching the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), classroom media, and so on.  Students are supposed to take an active role in the learning process. Active class participation is expected. Group presentation, individual report, mid-term and final exams or papers are required. The objective of this course is to equip those who are interested in teaching children English with essential background knowledge and useful skills so that they will teach with confidence, creativity, and fun! Textbook: Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 1994. Teaching English to Children. Longman. Or Susan Halliwell. 1992. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Longman. 


204. Cross-cultural Communication 
2 credits 
Dr. Mei-chen Huang 
For Juniors above 
Class limit: 45 

This course is designed to help students develop their cultural understandings, attitudes, and intercultural communication skills.  Topics will include value and belief systems in various cultures, similarities and differences in communication patterns among cultures; misunderstandings and communication breakdowns in cross-cultural encounters; and diversity of communication practices within each culture. 

Students are expected to read assigned weekly readings ahead of time, and actively take part in class discussions. Course requirements will include in-class presentations, written reports, and a term project. 

Tentative Textbook: 
Luce, Louise Fiber, & Smith, Elise C. (1987). Toward Internationalism. Mass: Heinle & Heinle.


300. Journalistic Writing in English II 
2 credits 
Ms. Tzi-yu Lin 
For Seniors Only 
Class Limit: 25 

This course will aim to familiarize students with English Newswriting through the reading and discussion of selected newspaper articles and in-class writing of short news stories.  On a tentative basis, the second hour of class will be given to reading a couple of stories of a selected type of news, e.g. accidents, entertainment and business. Requirements: Attention will be given to the style of writing and choice of words. This will serve as preparation of the next class meeting, the first hour of which will be devoted to in-class writing of a short news story. 

The ability to type is a must while the ability to wordprocess will be helpful. Stories will be handwritten in the earlier half of semester and wordprocessed in the later half.


301. Business English Writing  II 
2 credits 
Mr. Brian Reynolds 
For Seniors Only 
Class Limit: 25 

This course is designed for students who would like to work in the business world after graduation. The emphasis will be on the practical skills that you will need on a day-to-day basis if you are lucky enough to land a job that requires a good working knowledge of English. We will keep theory to a minimum. You will be required to deal with a variety of "real life" situations, such as how to plan and present an itinerary for a business person visiting Taiwan or how to advise a foreign investor on business opportunities here. You will also learn about more mundane matters invoicing, banking procedures, letters of complaint, covering letters and the like. 

This semester we shall also be dealing with some skills that you shall be needing very shortly, namely job interview techniques and resumes. You will be expected apply for a real job and to present for mock interviews in class. 

These days over 85% of all business communication is via e-mail or fax, so we shall be taking a detailed look at how to write in these new media.  We shall also have at least two guest speakers who are experts in their fields.  Last year speakers included a stock broker and the head of the de facto Irish embassy in Taiwan. 

I hope those of you who choose this course will find it useful and stimulating.  I will also welcome any ideas that you might have on course content. 


302. Chinese-English Translation  II 
2 credits 
Mr. Daniel Wang 
For Seniors Only 
Class Limit: 25 

This course offers practical experience in Chinese-English translation.  The focus of this semester will be on the techniques in translating texts of different literary styles (classical Chinese, spoken Chinese, poetry, prose, etc.) and various subjects (literature, science, art, journalism, business, etc.) 

There is no textbook for this course.  Teaching materials and Chinese texts will be prepared by the instructor. 

There will be five written assignments and one oral presentation during the semester.  The Chinese texts to be translated for the written assignments will be provided by the instructor; the materials for the oral presentation may be chosen by themselves but will have to be approved first by the instructor. 

Since discussion in class is important, regular attendance will be expected. 

There will be no mid-term or final exams.  Grades will be based on (1) the evaluations of the written assignments (2) the evaluation of the oral presentation (3) class attendance and participation. 


400. Computer-Aided Research Methods and Bibliography 
2 credits 
Ms. Daphne Lin (daphne@weber.lm.fju.edu.tw) 
For Sophomores above 
Class limit: 30

Course Overview:  
This course is aimed at helping students integrate traditional methods of effectively combining research and writing with modern research methods of using electronic reference sources and equipment. Targets of learning include the research process, the uses of traditional libraries, traditional information sources, the new information technology (such as the Internet, CD-ROMs, online card catalogue, E-mail, Telnet, Gopher, and etc.), computer-assisted word processing, and the MLA documentation style. 

Jeannette A. Woodward. Writing Research Papers: Investigating Resources in Cyberspace. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing Group, 1997. 

Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th ed. New York: MLA, 1995. 

This course is conducted in terms of communicative approach; that is, students-oriented activities are designed as the backbone of this course. Students will be divided into groups for collaboration in the research process (choosing the group
s research topic, generating a thesis statement and preliminary outline, gathering and evaluating information, and presenting the group's research papers.) 

General requirements

  • Academic honesty is highly demanded.  Any fraud such as collusion or plagiarism will be ground for failing the course without negotiation.
  • Meet the deadline of each assignment. Late assignments will be reviewed but not graded.
  • Actively participate the class activities such as class discussions, group discussions, oral reports, and so on.
  • Full attendance is encouraged. Every two times of being late for class is considered one absence. Two absences will seriously lower your grade for the course. Three absences will be ground for failing the course.

Oral reports  
Every now and then, you will be expected to report to the rest of the class about your research procedures, accomplishments, and setbacks. 

Oral presentation of the research paper  
At the end of the semester, you and your group members will have to present your research papers to the rest of the class. 

Research exercises 
Five research exercises will be assigned along the way. Keep them neatly typed up or written up for teacher
s review. 

Depending on the complexity and difficulty of the research skills taught, quizzes will be given to help you fully acquire the skills. 

Research Paper
Oral presentation
Research exercises
Oral reports & participation
……………………… 10% 

Tentative Syllabus

DATE Topics/Activities
2-21 Orientation Choosing the right topic Library quick tour: overview
3-06 Formulating the tentative thesis statement and outline MLA format: Citing books & periodical articles Preparing the preliminary bibliography
3-13 Library tour: CD-ROMs MLA format: Citing CD-ROMs & other portable sources
3-20 Taking notes from relevant sources: Quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing
3-27 Internet Resources: Online databases & OPAC MLA format: Citing online sources
4-10 Internet Resources: Email, Usenet Newsgroups, Telnet, Gopher, FTP MLA format: Citing other sources
4-17 Internet Resources: World Wide Web Labeling notes and revising working outline
4-24 Format of the research paper Drafting the research paper
5-01 Parenthetical references (endnotes) on draft Documenting your sources
5-08 Revising the draft
5-15 Peer Evaluation
5-22 Preparing the final draft
5-29 Oral Presentations
6-05  Oral Presentations
6-12 Evaluations


401. Advanced Overseas Chinese 
2 credits 
Dr. Chi-luen Liu
For Sophomores above






402. 中國詩詞曲(二)
2 credits

Mr. Chin-kuei-yu Hsieh 
For Sophomores above

See the instructor for detailed information.

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