Undergraduate Courses: Fall 2002
English Department, FJCU


Fall 2002 List of Required Courses






Time for Class Advisor


Physical Education


Military Training (F)


Military Training (M)




Foreign Language


Introduction to Western Literature (A)


Introduction to Western Literature (B)


English Lab. (A)


English Lab. (B)


Readings in Modern English (A)


Readings in Modern English (B)


Applied Computer Technology (A)


Applied Computer Technology (B)


Applied Computer Technology (C)


Mythology & Bible


English Composition & Conversation I (A)


English Composition & Conversation I (B)


English Composition & Conversation I (C)


English Composition & Conversation I (D)


English Composition & Conversation I (E)


Introduction to University Studies


Time for Class Advisor


Philosophy of Life


English Composition & Conversation II (A)


English Composition & Conversation II (B)


English Composition & Conversation II (C)


English Composition & Conversation II (D)


English Composition & Conversation II (E)


Public Speaking (A)


Public Speaking (B)


Public Speaking (C)


History of Western Civilization I (A)


History of Western Civilization I (B)


Introduction to Linguistics (A)


Introduction to Linguistics (B)


Time for Class Advisor


English Composition & Conversation III (A)


English Composition & Conversation III (B)


English Composition & Conversation III (C)



English Composition & Conversation III (D)


English Composition & Conversation III (E)


400 Time for Class Advisor


Fall 2002 List of Elective Courses:
Advanced Writing
Electives for Seniors Only





British Literature I


Romantic/Victorian British Literature




20th Century British/Irish Drama


20th Century British Women Writer


American Literature I


Major American Fiction


European Literature: Heroes and Tragedies


World Literatures in English


Chinese Literature in English Translation                [Top]



Discourse Analysis


Language Assessment


Computer-Aided Bibliography and Research


Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)


Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)


Performing Arts: Acting


English-Chinese Oral Interpretation


Oral Interpretation                                                          [Top]



Chinese Poetry I


Senior Play


Translation Practicum                                                      [Top]

Advanced Writing


Journalistic Writing in English I


Chinese-English Translation I


Business English Writing I

 Course Description: Fall 2002

001. British Literature I [英國文學史(一)]
         3 credits
         Ms. Cecilia H.C. Liu (
         For Sophomores above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course is a survey of the major works of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period (i.e. Beowulf) through the 18th century. Genres covered are epic and romance, allegory, satire, ballad, lyrics, drama, and prose. Themes include war, journeys, Christ, love, marriage, nature, death, and women issues. Because of the nature of the course not every author will be treated in depth, but I am aiming more at a sense of development, change and continuity in the literature of England over eight centuries. Authors studied include Chaucer, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne, Jonson, Marvell, Milton, Dryden, Swift, Pope.

Textbook: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th ed. Vol. I. London: W.W. Norton, 2000.

Tentative Grading System (subject to change)
3 short papers, quizzes, group presentation*, class participation 60%
Midterm & final exams 40%
*Group presentation: Students are responsible for in-class oral presentation on assigned topics about the background or critical analysis to our readings.

Preparatory readings: To prepare for this course during summer vacation you may start reading the introductions to the different periods (pp. 1-22, 469-498, 1209-1232, 2045-2070) and to some of the texts we shall study, for instance, to Beowulf (pp. 29-99), "Chaucer" (pp. 210-215), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (pp. 156-210).


002. Romantic/Victorian British Literature [浪漫/維多利亞時期英國文化](停開)
         3 credits
         Ms. Leonora Yang (
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course aims to acquaint students with the major literary genres and figures of the Romantic and Victorian periods, and to provide students with an understanding of some major issues (evolution, industrialism, the woman question, etc.) and intellectual movements (the Romantics and their circles, the pre-Raphaelite movement) of these periods, both as reflected and as constructed by the literature of the time.

Requirements: Heavy reading (50-100 pages a week, depending on genre) is required. Regular, consistent participation in in-class activities (including assigned group or individual presentations and responses as well as general discussion) will be expected from every student. There will be occasional quizzes, a midterm and a final exam.

Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th ed. Vol. II. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Hard Times by Charles Dickens


003. Shakespeare [莎士比亞]
         3 credits
         Dr. Raphael Schulte  (engl1006@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature


This course will focus on six of Shakespeare's plays written and performed in the Elizabethan/Jacobean world of Renaissance England. This world differs from our contemporary situation here in Taiwan, so we will at times need to address Shakespeare's social, political, and cultural contexts. Our reading list for this course is a set of scripts-texts not meant to be primarily read (though that is what we will do), but rather performed for an audience. Accordingly, this course will go beyond an emphasis on texts alone, so you can expect to be called upon to read aloud, offer opinions, and move around at a moment's notice. This class, then, will give you a set of techniques for reading and considering Shakespeare's plays in their literary and theatrical contexts.

Because you need to know the basic facts of Shakespeare's life and times, each of you will be asked to read a general introduction to Shakespeare and write a brief summary/response to it. We will read the plays in chronological order, including examples of his comedies, tragedies, a history play, and a late romance. Each play must be read carefully because the mid-term and final exams will test your memory of the plays' texts. Our textbook will be The Riverside Shakespeare (second edition). Your final grade for the semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned writings, participation, attendance, the mid-term exam, and the final exam.


004. 20th Century British/Irish Drama [廿世紀英國/愛爾蘭戲劇]
         3 credits
         Ms. Cecilia H.C. Liu (cecilia@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Juniors aboves
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

Come, come to enjoy the wonderful world of 20th CENTURY BRITISH/IRISH DRAMA. We will experience and savor the variety and richness of the art of drama in our time. Modern British drama begins with the witty drawing-room comedies of Oscar Wilde, while Bernard Shaw brings another kind of wit into drama--the provocative paradox that was meant to tease and disturb, to challenge the complacency of the audience. With Beckett and Pinter, the theatre of the absurd manifests a theatrical revolution, challenging the traditional verbal and scenic design, exploring the significance of human existence. And of course, we will read some plays by the well-known contemporary playwrights, such as Stoppard, Shaffer, Ayckbourn, and Churchill (finally, a female playwright).

In order to establish a clear picture of British/Irish drama in the 20th century, in the first part of the semester, we will study the plays of 1900-1950 by Wilde, Shaw, Coward, Synge, and O'Casey, and the plays of 1950-1990 by Beckett, Pinter, Stoppard, Shaffer, Ayckbourn, and Churchill in the second half of the semester. Some videotapes of the plays are available for viewing.

1. Regular attendance with preparation and class participation
2. Turn in 4 reading journals on time
3. Group presentation; midterm/final

Grading system: 
4 journals, group discussion/presentation 60%
Midterm and Final Exams 40%


005. 20th Century British Women Writer [廿世紀英國女性作家]
         3 credits
         Fr. Daniel Bauer (engl1013@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Juniors above
         Class Limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course introduces students to short works of fiction by several important women writers of England in the 20th century. In addition to examining themes of love, children and family, these authors offer penetrating insights into human nature and contemporary experience. Joy, sadness, and self-understanding in ordinary moments of life are the typical focal points of their work. Some of the writers we will read include Doris Lessing, Muriel Spark, Elizabeth Bowen and Virginia Woolf. Students are expected to read 1 - 1 1/2 stories each week, and write monthly reflective journals. There will be a mid-term and final exam. The instructor will not use any material used in his Images of Women course.


006. American Literature I [美國文學史(一)]
         3 credits
         Dr. Ronald Tranquilla (
http://facweb.stvincent.edu/academics/english/faculty/tranquilla/index.html )
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

Survey of American Literature, Part One, covers the development of American literature from the seventeenth century through the Civil War, through readings in various genres including fiction, poetry, the essay, autobiography, and oratory. Throughout we will keep returning to the question of how American writers participated in and responded to the definition of "America" itself. For immigrants who settled there, America has been a vast new enterprise and experiment. Whether it is primarily a spiritual, an economic, or a political experiment, and whether it has succeeded or failed, is an open question addressed differently by various writers.

Major works on the syllabus include works poets such as by Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, Walt Whitman; autobiographical writings by William Bradford, Mary Rowlandson, Henry David Thoreau; and short fiction by authors such as Washington Irving and Edgar Allan Poe. Our discussions will focus on close analysis of texts while lectures will introduce individual authors and survey related historical issues (for example, the American Revolution, slavery, the Civil War) and cultural movements (like Puritanism and Transcendentalism). Sometimes we will look at American paintings as a point of comparison to American literature.

Requirements include participation in class activities, one report, a midterm and a final exam. Survey of American Literature, Part Two, is offered in the Spring Semester. Parts One and Two may be taken either independently of one another, or in succession as a year-long survey.


007. Major American Fiction [美國主要小說]
         3 credits
         Dr. Ronald Tranquilla (
http://facweb.stvincent.edu/academics/english/faculty/tranquilla/index.html )
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course is an introduction to some of the most accomplished American writers of short fiction and the novel. The course will begin with a brief historical survey of American fiction through short works including but not limited to stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James, Stephen Crane, Edith Wharton, Ernest Hemingway, Flannery O'Connor, John Updike, Raymond Carver, and Joyce Carol Oates. Included will be novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby) and Nathaniel West (Miss Lonelyhearts). Throughout we will pay close attention to elements of fiction such as plot structure, characterization, setting, and symbolism, and observe how the techniques and subjects of American fiction have evolved with changes in American history and culture. Readings for this course do not overlap with Survey of American Literature. Requirements include participation in class activities, creation of a Study Guide on one short story, a comparison/contrast essay on two short stories, a midterm and a final exam.


008. European Literature: Heroes and Tragedies [歐洲文學:英雄與悲劇]
         3 credits
Ms. Patrice Yang (flcg1044@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 30
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

The names of Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Virgil are familiar, and their works are the inspiration for writers from Dante to Shakespeare. To show the heritage, this course will focus on the idea of a "tragic hero" and trace the changes of this image in different works of different times. First, we will start with an analysis of its presentation in Homeric epics and Greek tragedies. Then, we will read the definition of a "tragic hero" in Aristotle's "Poetics" and try to apply this definition to the heroes in the plays to see if it is justifiable. Finally, the heroic figure will be re-examined or even re-defined by reading works of important writers of later periods (possibly Dante and Cervantes).

All of the reading assignments are the English translations of the original works and some of them are excerpts instead of full-text readings. Though the materials are from the classical literature, it is still possible to relate the ideas to the present situation of our time. Therefore, students are very much encouraged to find contemporary examples of tragic heroes from the media to present in the oral reports.

Tentative reading list:
1. Homer The Iliad (excerpt)
2. Aeschylus Agamemnon
3. Sophocles Oedipus the King
4. Euripides Medea
5. Aristotle Poetics (excerpt)
6. Virgil The Aeneid (excerpt)
7. Virgil Song of Roland (excerpt)
8. Dante The Divine Comedy: Inferno (excerpt)
9. Boccaccio The Decameron (1 or 2 short stories)
10. Cervantes Don Quixote (Part 1)


009. World Literatures in English: Race and Gender Relations in Contemporary South African, Indian Subcontinent and Caribbean Literatures [世界英語文學概論]
         3 credits
         Dr. Kate C.W. Liu (
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

As English majors, we need to know that "English" is not always British, and "American"--not necessarily the U.S. How about English Literature? British and U.S. literature? In the past, maybe, but now in the age of postcolonialism -- definitely no.

English literatures are all the literatures written in English in 1.) the U.S. and U.K., and in 2.) the English-speaking countries in areas ranging from Africa, South Asia, South-East Asia, East Asia (e.g. Hong Kong), South Pacific area (e.g. Australia & New Zealand), the Caribbean area, to North America (e.g. Canada). (See Map below.) To distinguish the latters from the formers, we call the latters -- world literatures written in English, or postcolonial (Third World) literature in English, or New English literatures.

adapted from Post_Imperial Web

Since world literatures written in English cover so many nations with their distinct national/racial cultures, it is hardly possible to generalize about them, not to mention teaching them all in one course. These literatures, however, do have common concerns, their nations having all experienced imperialism and colonization, and their peoples, immigration and frequently more than once. Among the common concerns there are: influences of colonization, possibilities of decolonization and defining national identity, power relations (between the colonizer and the colonized, dominant group and minorities, different genders of different races). These national literatures, moreover, are linked to each other by the large flows of immigrants of Chinese, African and/or Indian descent--what is called Chinese, African and Indian diasporas (離散族群).

To do a focused survey of world literatures in English, this course chooses literatures (short stories, novel excerpts and poems) in South Africa, the Indian subcontinent (including Pakistan and India), and the Caribbean area (including Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica), as well as those by diasporic/immigrant writers from these areas such as Salman Rushdie, Jean Rhys, Michael Ondaatje, V.S. Naipaul., etc. (See the black areas on the Map.) Our central questions are:

  • What is colonization? Is de-colonization possible? How are colonizers (e.g. Columbus) and colonial writings (e.g. Robinson Crusoe & Jane Eyre) revised by post-colonial writers?

  • How is national identity defined after the end of official colonization? How is nation-building frustrated by internal racial conflicts and neo-imperialism? How do national/racial conflicts affect children, women and minorities?

  • What gets involved in immigration? Identity crisis or cultural exchange/transformation, social mobility/climbing or different forms of racism?

Of these central concerns, two themes especially help to connect the three areas, and relate them to us: colonization and diaspora. As we move from South Africa, to Indian subcontinent and then to the Caribbean, we will not only introduce the history of colonization in these areas and their cultures, but also examine how postcolonial writers critique the prejudices implied in colonial literature and literary education. Also, with colonization comes large-wave migration of colonizers and laborers, which intensifies the unequal gender and racial relationships the diasporic writers (e.g. Indian-Caribbean, African-Caribbean, Indian-Caribbean-Canadian) help us understand. Finally, with the work of some writers or filmmakers of Chinese diaspora, we hope to bring "home" to ourselves the issues we Taiwanese are always already deeply engaged in: that is, race and gender relations in (de-)colonization and migration.

Heavy reading (each week about 50 pages' prose writing or fewer for poems) will be required to avoid the superficial understanding of these literatures. On the other hand, history, films (e.g. Salaam Bombay, Wide Sargasso Sea), and popular songs (e.g. Bob Marley, rap music) will be used to help us visualize, enter and understand their cultures. You are also encouraged to bring in other relevant texts from popular culture of these areas.

Textbook: A Reader
Requirements and Grading Policy: Reading before class and active participation in class is essential. Any late or absence will affect your final grade. Three absences constitute reason for failing the course. If you have to be absent, please let the teacher know beforehand. No plagiarism!

  • Active participation and designated response in class -- 10%

  • Bi-weekly online journals -- 30%

  • One group report on a topic of your own choice -- 20 %

  • A take-home exam -- 40%


010. Chinese Literature in English Translation [英譯中國文學賞析]
         2 credits
         Bro. Nicholas Koss (
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 40
         Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

The purpose of this course is to train the student to speak and write in English about Chinese literature. In the first part of this course we will read selections from traditional works of Chinese fiction, such as T'ang ch'uan-chi, San-kuo yen-i, Shui-hu chuan, and Hung-lou meng, and then fiction by twentieth-century Mainland and Taiwanese writers. The second section of this course will be devoted to Chinese and Taiwanese poetry in English translation. In the final part of the semester, we will read Yuan and modern Chinese dramas as well as essays.
Often it will be necessary to read in a week over seventy pages of English translation of a Chinese text. Each week, too, the student will be expected to turn in at least a one-page paper on the assigned readings.


011. Discourse Analysis [言談分析]
         3 credits
         Sterling Plata (smplata2000@yahoo.com)
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

There's no course description now.


012. Language Assessment [語言評量]
         3 credits
         Dr. Yun-pi Yuan (engl1018@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Juniors above
         Class limit: 40
         Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

To understand the principles of assessment and how they can be applied in practice

To develop a critical awareness of language tests by evaluating the public tests

To practice constructing valid, practical and reliable tests for use in the classroom

This course, offered every other year, will cover the following topics: relationship between teaching and assessment, types and uses of language tests, approaches to language testing, test construction/evaluation and related issues (such as validity, reliability, item analysis, and practicality), alternative assessment, test methods/format (in testing different language skills), and interpretation of test scores. We will examine samples of test items (such as the JCEE) by applying principles discussed in class. Students will also have a chance to design language tests or develop ways to assess language performance in the classroom.

Requirements: weekly reading assignments, active participation (discussion, questions) and attendance, test review and critique, test design team project, exercises, review quizzes.

Tentative Textbook:
Heaton, J. B. Writing English Language Tests. New Edition. London: Longman, 1988.

Reference Books:

  • Bailey, Kathleen M. Learning about Language Assessment. New York: Heinle & Heinle, 1998.

  • Heaton, J. B. Classroom Testing. London: Longman, 1990.

  • Hughs, Arthur. Testing for Language Teachers. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.


013. Computer-Aided Bibliography and Research [電腦輔助書目及研究]
         2 credits
         Charles Chen (0936906539@fetnet.net)
         For Sophomores above
         Class limit: 45
         Prerequisite: Applied Computer Technology

Here is the last year's. For your reference:

The purpose of this course is to help English majors write research papers more efficiently and effectively with the assistance of computer technology. Emphasis of this course will be placed on research-writing methods and skills. Electronic information sources (e.g. on-line search, CD-ROM search, electronic mail), computer-generated papers (e.g. database management of notes, word processing), MLA and APA formats, and the traditional use of libraries and information sources will be introduced to or reviewed for students.

Recommended Reading:

  • Lester, L. D. (1999). Writing Research Papers. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
  • Gibaldi, J. (1995). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: Modern Language Association of America.


014. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) [電腦輔助教學]
         2 credits
         Dr. Doris Shih (dshih@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Juniors above
         Class Limit: 35

         Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

The number of computers used in educational and industrial training settings is increasing consistently. Computer-Assisted Instruction, with an acronym as "CAI", is any instance in which instructional content or activities are delivered via computer. This course is designed for those interested in the design, development and evaluation of computer-assisted instruction (CAI). It introduces a systematic design and evaluation process that produces successful CAI courseware. It also emphasizes knowledge from educational research that is fundamental to CAI design and evaluation. Since this course is designed for English majors, issues about CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) will be emphasized.


Required textbooks: Merrill, P. F., et al. Computers in Education. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1996.

Recommended textbook:

  • Alessi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R. (1991). Computer-Based Instruction: Methods and Development, 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

  • Horton, W. (2000). Designing Web-Based Training. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hannafin, M. J. & Peck, K. L. (1988). The Design, Development, and Evaluation of Instructional Software. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.


  • 40% - Major projects: design, development(20%), communication(10%), evaluation, demonstration(10%)

  • 30% - minor projects: assignments or homework

  • 20% - Midterm Exam

  • 10% - Class participation


015. Teaching English as A Second Language (TESOL)[英語教學法]
         3 credits
         Ms. Tina Kuo (engl1028@mails.fju.edu.tw )
         For Juniors above
         Class Limit: 35
         Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

* This tentative course description is proposed for your reference and is subject to change.

TEFL Methodology is a survey course to provide prospective English teachers an overview of both traditional and innovative language teaching methods for learners of diverse learning background. In this course, we will not only learn principles guiding language learning and teaching, but also incorporate techniques to be applied in the real classroom setting.

As long as you believe that you enjoy teaching English, capable of using "good" English, patient and enthusiastic enough to find solutions for difficulties encountered in class, you may join the world of ET (English teachers).

These are topics we might explore and have in-depth discussions for:

  • Theoretical & Empirical Perspectives on Language Competence

  • Traditional & Innovative Approaches/methods in Language Teaching

- The Grammar-Translation Method
- The Direct Method
- The Audio-Lingual Method
- The Silent Way
- The Total Physical Response Method
- Suggestopedia
- Community Language Learning
- The Communicative Approach

  • Motivation & the Affective Filters

  • Curriculum Design & Lesson Plans

  • Evaluation of teaching materials

  • Innovative Ideas in Teaching Aids

  • Designs & Implementation of Activities for Four-skill Instruction

- Oral Communication: Speaking & Pronunciation
- Activities for Listening Comprehension
- Teaching & Learning Grammar
- Reading & Writing in a Second Language

  • Error Correction Strategies and Techniques in Asking Questions

  • Classroom Management

  • Practicum

Course Requirements and Evaluation

Readings, Pop-up Quizzes & Discussions-At times you will be divided into groups discussing topics such as innovative ideas for designing teaching aids, or materials evaluation. Since each group will have a chance to present, please familiarize yourselves with assigned readings for each theme beforehand. Expect to have some pop-up quizzes to "estimate" how much you learn. (20 %)

Practicum- Students in groups are required to prepare a 10 - 15 minute presentation on teaching a specific topic which demonstrate your understanding of the principles of a teaching method and explain the designs and rationale of your lesson plan. A written lesson plan should be submitted in accordance with your teaching. (20 %)

Observation Report - students are required to make at least two observations at a language schools where English is taught and write a five-page report. It's a team project and should be completely collaboratively with 4 to 5 students in a group, with an emphasis on evaluating curriculum design, teaching methods and the teaching process. (20 %)

"What's New" & Attendance (10 %)
If time allows, we might be lucky to enjoy speeches given by guest speakers.
On November 10 - 12, students are invited to participate in any session of workshops or seminars held by the Ninth International Symposium and book Fair on English Teaching in Taipei.

Mid-term and final Exams (15 % each)
Details and test format will be announced in class.

Recommended Texts

  1. D. L. Freeman (1986). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-434133-X.

  2. H. D.Brown (1994). Teaching by principles. An interactive approach to language pedagogy.

016. Performing Arts: Acting [舞台藝術:表演技巧]
         3 credits
         Dr. Llyn Scott (engl1014@mails.fju.edu.tw)

         For Sophomore above
         Class Limit: 40

Performing Arts: Acting creates an awareness in each student of his/or her creative expressiveness through a variety of theatre games and improvisations. One aim of the course is to develop a student's ability to choose imaginative solutions, and respond spontaneously with engaged emotions, intellect and personality. Furthermore, acting as a craft will be presented, that is, steps to analyzing a character in a play, building an actor's interpretation, and performing a role in front of an audience. Thus, another aim of the course is to help each student become familiar with basic stage movement, voice for the stage and the elements of costuming and properties for the actor. Acting studios will be assigned as monologues, duets and short scenes.



English-Chinese Oral Interpretation [
         2 credit
         Mr. Paul Yeh (spyeh@seed.net.tw)
         For Seniors Only
         Class Limit: 15

This course will introduce you to the three modes of interpretation, namely sight interpretation, simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation. Together we will explore a basic model of communication, and establish a link between this model and the process of interpretation. We will also briefly cover the possible roles played by the interpreter in an interpreter-mediated event, and discuss issues concerning the quality of interpretation. The best, or the most terrifying part, of this course is that you really get to interpret!! We will start with short consecutive interpretation, so you can not only experience what it is like, physically and mentally, to be an interpreter, but also apply what you have learnt to the actual process of interpretation. Sight interpretation will then be introduced to enhance your ability to interpret while following the word order of the source text.

To ensure the continuation of your training, you must attend every class. You will have to come to class prepared, because passing this course requires hard work.


  • Group Reports: 40%

  • Class Performance: 60%

May the Force be with you.


018. Oral Translation [口譯技巧](學年課)
        2 credits
        Prof. Chien-Chao Hung 
        For Juniors Above
        Class limit: 16
        Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics 

There will be no textbooks. Teaching materials include articles, speeches and news reports on a variety of topics ranging from defense, economics, international trade, ecology, politics to sports.  Students will be required to study the aforesaid topics at home. They will be formed into pairs in class. One student in a pair will speak in Chinese, while the other has to do an oral interpretation in English. They will reverse the roles subsequently. The instructor will make corrections of mistakes the students may make in class and teach them how to overcome stage fright and other inhibitions. 
The class should not be large to achieve maximum effect. No more than 20 students should be enrolled.

 Progress of the course--

1. Week 1: Introduction
2. Week 2: Generalities
3. Week 3: Defense
4. Week 4: Natural disaster
5. Week 5: Agriculture
6. Week 6: World trade
7. Week 7: Tourism
8. Week 8: Marine life
9. Week 9: Sports
10. Week 10: Sports (continued)
11. Week 11: Sports (continued)
12. Week 12: Industry
13. Week 13: Industry (continued)
14. Week 14: Government
15. Week 15: Government (continued)
16. Week 16: Environment
17. Week 17: Environment (continued)


019. Chinese Poetry I 
         2 credits
         Mr. Hsieh (謝錦桂毓老師)
         For Sophomores above
         Class limit: 50








綱    目


綱    目

課程說明 1

一代詩風的開創者-曹操 1

文學之門在何處 1

個性心靈世界的豐富展示-左思  1

形象與情意(賦比興)  1.5

執著與超脫的統一陶潛 2

思無邪(藝術與道德) 1.5

唐詩的時空意識 2

戀愛悲劇模式A型 1.5

唐詩中的楊貴妃形象 1

戀愛悲劇模式B型 1.5

張若虛《春江花月夜》的接受美學、結構主義解讀 1

「鄉愁」(精神家園的追求與失落)悲劇模式B型 2

唐五代至宋初詞境的開拓 2


在詞的歷史轉折點上-柳永 1

屈原與忠奸悲劇模式 1

指出詞向上一路-蘇軾 1

《陌上桑》的敘述學解讀 1

永遠的誘惑、文化的反思-《王西廂》、《曾西廂》 2


中國女性在壓迫中的反抗意識-《孔雀東南飛》 2


情多累多、永不回頭-《方本雷峰塔傳奇》 2

  • 上列教材有專題式、專家式、專書式、文學發展式,且上下學期系統連貫,我們要以不同形態、方式進入中國韻文世界。

  • 標題後之阿拉伯數字係上課次數,總次數會依行事曆安排、調整。

  • 在總體方向和精神不變下,內容綱目如有調整,請見開學發的進度表。








  • 本系中文課程受內外因素擠壓,萎縮早成定局。往後二、三、四年級只能開設一門中文選修課,預計是三套教材輪開,每門課每位同學只有一次選擇機會:中國詩詞曲()()、中國傳統小說()()、二十世紀中國小說()()

  • 課一般會上到12:30,請預留時間。

  • 如要開課程說明會,會發通知。

  • 有疑難請直接來談(先預約更好)SF843 TEL:29031111-2446(O);23631607(H)


020. Senior Play [大四劇場實務實習](停開)
         1 credit
         Dr. Llyn Scott (engl1014@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Seniors Only

This course is offered for all seniors interested in participating in the Senior Play to be produced and performed in December. Play selection, auditions and recruitment of the production staff will begin in October.


021.Translation Practicum [翻譯實務](學年課)
         2 credits
         Prof. Chien-Chao Hung 
         For Juniors Above
         Class limit: 20
There will be no textbooks. Students will be required to do translation at home. They will bring their homework to class, where the instructor will correct the mistakes they make in translation.

The progress of the course is as follows:

1. Week 1: Introduction (assignment)
2. Week 2: History
3. Week 3: History (continued)
4. Week 4: Chinese classics
5. Week 5: Defense
6. Week 6: Agriculture
7. Week 7: World trade
8. Week 8: Industry
9. Week 9: Marine life
10. Week 10: Sports
11. Week 11: Government
12. Week 12: Environment
13. Week 13: Education
14. Week 14: Transportation
15. Week 15: Chinese poetry
16. Week 16: Editorials
17. Week 17: News stories


022. Journalistic Writing in English I [新聞英文寫作(一)]
          (Advanced writing) 
         2 credits
         Mr. Fok Tat-men
         For Seniors Only
         Class limit: 25
         Prerequisite: English Composition III

Teaching Plan (Provisional)
1. A brief introduction to the language of news media (2 hours)
2. The use of dictionaries, style books (1 hour)
3. Understanding English-language news, technical terms, the structure of English news writing, different styles (news stories, commentaries, editorials) (3 hours)
4. Comprehension exercises + class work (4 hours)
5. English-Chinese news translation + class work (4 hours)
Textbook: to be decided.


023. Chinese-English Translation I [中英翻譯(一)] (Advanced writing)
         2 credits
         Mr. Daniel Wang
         For Seniors Only
         Class limit: 25
         Prerequisite: English Composition III

This course offers practical techniques and experience in Chinese-English translation in a variety of styles and subjects. The emphases will be on (1) the structural differences between Chinese and English, (2) word choice, (3) grammatical correctness, (4) stylistic propriety.

There is no textbook for this course. Teaching materials and Chinese texts will be prepared by the instructor.

There will be five written assignments and one oral presentation during the semester. The Chinese texts to be translated for the written assignments will be provided by the instructor; the materials for the oral presentation may be chosen by students themselves but will have to be approved first by the instructor.

Since discussion in class is important, regular attendance will be expected.

There will be no mid-term or final exams. Grades will be based on (1) the evaluations of the written assignments, (2) the evaluation of the oral presentation, (3) class attendance and participation.


024. Business English Writing I [商務英文(一)] (Advanced writing)
         2 credits
         Mr. Brian Reynolds (ital0003@mails.fju.edu.tw)
         For Seniors Only
         Class limit: 25
         Prerequisite: English Composition III

This course is designed for students who would like to work in the business world after graduation and is also useful for those who intend to apply for a business-related graduate school. The emphasis will be on the practical skills that you will need on a day-to-day basis, if you are lucky enough to land a job that requires a good working knowledge of English.

During this semester, we shall deal with various forms of paper correspondence (i.e. not electronic). Writing letters in a correct style of English is a skill that even native speakers have to learn. Nobody expects non-native speakers to be word perfect, but it is essential to understand how business English differs from other written forms, especially how subtle changes in the choice of vocabulary and the use of grammar can alter the style and tone of business correspondence. Therefore, we shall be dealing with different language registers and levels of formality. You will also learn about the structure and presentation of business letters as well as how to vary content and style. Specifically, in the first semester we will look at requests for information, and complaints and how to reply both negatively and positively to the same.

The principal method we shall be using to help you to acquire these skills will be the use of "real life" situations. You will be presented with a variety of scenarios that you would be likely to come across in the Taiwanese business world. You will then write the appropriate documents. You will be expected to work effectively in a group as well as doing individual work, in particular on the project you will be doing.

In the latter half of this semester shall be dealing at considerable length with skills that you will be needing very shortly, namely job interview techniques, graduate school applications and how to write resumes. A good resume makes the difference between being called for interview or not. A good interview makes the difference between getting the job or not! Theses are skills that you cannot afford to ignore. By the end of the course your chances should be better than average! You will be expected write resumes based on real job advertisements and real graduate schools. Each student will also be expected to present for a "real" interview.

No one book could cover all the areas we shall be dealing with, so we shall be relying to some extent on handouts. However, it is strongly recommended that you acquire a copy of: Taylor, S. Gartside, L. Model Business Letters and Other Business Documents. London: Financial Times, 1992.

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