Undergraduate Courses: Spring 2002
English Department, FJCU

Spring 2002

Spring 2002 List of Required Courses






Time for Class Advisor


Physical Education


Military Training (F)


Military Training (M)




Second Foreign Language


Introduction to Western Literature (A)


Introduction to Western Literature (B)


English Lab. (A)


English Lab. (B)


Readings in Modern English (A)


Readings in Modern English (B)


Applied Computer Technology (A)


Applied Computer Technology (B)


Applied Computer Technology (C)


Mythology & Bible


English Composition & Conversation I (A)


English Composition & Conversation I (B)


English Composition & Conversation I (C)


English Composition & Conversation I (D)


English Composition & Conversation I (E)


Time for Class Advisor


Philosophy of Life


English Composition & Conversation II (A)


English Composition & Conversation II (B)


English Composition & Conversation II (C)


English Composition & Conversation II (D)


English Composition & Conversation II (E)


Public Speaking (A)


Public Speaking (B)


Public Speaking (C)

21 0

History of Western Civilization I (A)


History of Western Civilization I (B)


Introduction of English Linguistics (A)


Introduction of English Linguistics (B)


Time for Class Advisor


English Composition III (A)


English Conversation III (A)


English Composition III (B)


English Conversation III (B)


English Composition III (C)


English Conversation III (C)


English Composition III (D)


English Conversation III (D)


English Composition III (E)


English Conversation III (E)
400 Time for Class Advisor


Spring 2002 List of Elective Courses:
Advanced Writing





Literary Criticism: Form and Race


British Literature II


Medieval English Literature and Cultural


16th & 17th Century British Poetry


American Literature


African American Poetry


World Theatre


Existentialism and Literature


Chinese-American Literature


Fiction & Film [Top]


Teaching Children


Grammar for Teaching


Second Language Acquisition (SLA)


Cross-Cultural Communication


Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)


Performing Arts: Directing [Top]


Professional Ethics


20th Century Chinese Literature: Fiction II [Top]


Advanced Chinese for Overseas Student
Advanced Writing


Journalistic Writing in English II


Chinese-English Translation II


Business English Writing II [Top]

Course Description: Spring 2002

001. Literary Criticism: Form and Race [文學批評:形式與種族](已修過文學批評者請勿選修)
2 credits
Dr. Kate C.W. Liu
For Sophomores above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

"Ah--ha, that's great! I love it." 「本詩意境深遠,耐人尋味。」

Are these examples of literary criticism? No. Literary criticism is different from Literary appreciation: the latter involves expressions of your feelings and pleasure in reading, likes and dislikes of a text, while the former, as a formal training for literature majors, requires both literary sensibility and critical thinking. In other words, literary criticism involves conscious use of methods, active engagement in critical issues and rigorous development of a logical argument. (For further details on what literary criticism is, please view this animation. http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/Literary_Criticism/video/animation/lit1.swf )

In this course, therefore, we will try to achieve three goals:

  • to improve our sensibility to literary elements;
  • to enhance our abilities in responding critically to the issues raised by the chosen literary or cultural texts;
  • with the help of some critical theories, to better relate these issues to our society and our selves.

In order to have a sense of focus, we will choose form and race as our major topics. The questions we discuss will be:

  • Literary Form:
    • How does a text produce its meanings and unity?
    • Is it possible to break its textual unity? How is the text influenced by its socio-historical background?
  • From Literary Form to Social Forms and Cultural Contexts: We will use different theories to help us engage in different kinds of contexts:
    • Structuralism 結構主義-Language systems (narrative systems and systems of signs)
    • Post-Structuralism 後結構主義-textualized society
    • Post-Modernism 對後現代主義-high-tech society and that of international capitalism
    • Post-Colonialism 後殖民主義-Colonial and Anti-Colonial histories
  • From social forms to our self-identity -- The above-mentioned theories might sound abstract to you. They should get more concrete as we discuss more texts from these perspectives; as we relate both texts and theories to our own world. And then we ask:
    • How do we receive or resist different systems of languages and meanings?
    • Does English literature support colonialism? Do does teaching of English Literature do it?
    • Do Taiwanese cultures and literature resist the different kinds of colonialism imposed on us?


002. British Literature II [英國文學史(二)]
3 credits
Ms. Jennifer Chiu
For Sophomores above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

This course is a survey of English literature in the 19th and 20th centuries. The first half of the course will cover the Romantic (1798-1832) and Victorian (1832-1901) periods. For the 20th century, most attention will be given to the Modern period (1914-c.1965).

Textbook: Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Vol. II. London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.


Assigned reading


Blake: "Introduction" to Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience; "The Chimney Sweeper" I &E; "The Lamb"; "The Tyger"


Introduction: "The Romantic Period: 1785-1830"
Wordsworth: "Preface" to the Lyrical Ballads; "Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey"; "Ode: Intimations of Immortality"


Coleridge: The Rime of Ancient Mariner


Byron: "She Walks in Beauty"; "Darkness"; selections from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage; Canto 1 of Don Juan


Shelley: "Ozymandias"; "Ode to the West Wind"; "To a Sky-Lark"; "Adonais"; selections from Prometheus Unbound


Keats: "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer"; "Ode to a Nightingale"; "Ode on a Grecian Urn"; "Ode on Melancholy"; "The Eve of St. Agnes"


Mary Shelley: Frankenstein


Introduction: "The Victorian Age: 1830-1901"
Elizabeth Browning: Sonnet 43 of Sonnets from the PortugueseRobert
Browning: "My Last Duchess"
Tennyson: "Ulysses"
Arnold: "Dover Beach"; "The Buried Life"


Introduction: "The Twentieth Century"
Hopkins: "God's Grandeur"; "Spring and Fall"
Hardy: "The Darkling Thrush"; "The Ruined Maid"
Shaw: Mrs. Warren's Profession


Conrad: Heart of Darkness


Yeats: "The Second Coming"; "Sailing to Byzantium"; "Leda and the Swan"; "Among School Children"; "The Circus Animal Desertion"


Joyce: "The Dead"
Eliot: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"; "Sweeney Among the Nightingales"; "Journey of the Magi"


Mansfield: "The Daughter of the Late Colonel"
Auden: "Musee des Beaux Arts"; "The Shield of Achilles"


Lessing: "To Room Nineteen"
Pinter: The Dumb Waiter


Heaney: "Digging"; "The Forge"; "Punishment"


  • Lateness and absences are strongly discouraged. You will automatically fail this course after five absences; grades will be lowered after the third absence. Three lates equal one absence. The teacher must be informed of your absence in advance (unless it's an emergency) and provided with substantial evidence to justify it as well.
  • You need to write two position papers, for each you will be provided a list of topics from which you choose one to write out a more-than-3-page analytical article. If you want to use any secondary sources, your papers must include parenthetical citations for all paraphrasing and quoting, as well as a list of works cited at the end. You will automatically fail this course if you plagiarize.
  • You may be asked to write some more-than-2-page journals on longer works. And quizzes will be given whenever necessary.
  • Late assignments will not be accepted. When absent on the day for an assignment to be turned in, you must hand it in the first day you come back to school (not a week after!)

Tentative Grading Scale (subject to change)

  • Midterm & final exams 50%
  • Papers, journals, quizzes, class participation 50%

NOTE: Try to prepare your reading during the winter vacation by starting with the longer works such as
The Rime of Ancient Mariner, Prometheus Unbound, Frankenstein, Mrs. Warren's Profession, Heart of Darkness, "The Dead," "The Daughter of the Late Colonel," "To Room Nineteen" and The Dumb Waiter.


003. Medieval English Literature and Cultural [中古英國文學與文化]
2 credits
Ms. Cecilia H.C. Liu
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

This course aims to acquaint students with the major literary works of medieval England (Old English and Middle English period). Through a close reading of selected Old English literature, Middle English literature--Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Piers Plowman, and medieval lyrics and plays--students come to some understanding of life and thought in the Middle Ages. Medievalism was a dominant influence in the lives of Englishmen, but the renaissance had assumed definite form and the country stood on the threshold of the modern world.

The major texts are viewed within the framework of the techniques, of Allegory, the forms of Romance, and the theme of Courtly Love. Synthesis of ideas is stressed, especially in terms of the progress and development of early literary form and technique in later periods in literature.

Texts: The Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol. 1 (7th ed.), handouts, some videos, and texts from websites. Grading Policy:
  • Group project: Oral presentation 15%
  • Quizzes and class participation 10%
  • Written report 20%
  • Discussion board entries 15%
  • Midterm and Final exam @ 20%


004. 16th & 17th Century British Poetry [十六及十七世紀英國詩]
2 credits
Dr. Raphael Schulte
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

This course will examine a variety of Renaissance and Metaphysical poems written in England between 1509 and 1667, when poets as diverse as Sir Thomas Wyatt, Sir Philip Sidney, Fulke Greville, Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, George Gascoigne, Thomas Campion, Ben Jonson, John Donne, Robert Herrick, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Andrew Marvell, Katherine Philips, and John Milton explored new possibilities in lyric expression. This course will emphasize short lyric poems and their social and cultural contexts, though we will also look at Milton's epic Paradise Lost. Students are welcome to suggest before the end of this semester specific poets, poems, and directions they want this course to go.

We will not have a textbook for this course. Instead, I will provide handouts with the poems we will study. Students will be expected to write a weekly response journal as well as complete both a midterm exam and a final paper. The final grade for the semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned writings, participation, attendance, the mid-term exam, and the final paper.


005. American Literature [美國文學](建議修過美國文學史者續修)
2 credits
Dr. Joseph Murphy
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

This course traces the development of American literature from the late nineteenth century to the present. (It may be taken on its own or as a continuation of American Literature, Part One, which is not a prerequisite.) The course is divided into three units. Unit One, Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism will explore the literary categories that governed American writing between the Civil War and World War I. Works from this period will include Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Henry James's "Daisy Miller," Kate Chopin's The Awakening, and short stories by Stephen Crane and Jack London. In Unit Two, Modernism, we will study some of the major literary experiments during the age of World War I and World War II, for example, Willa Cather's My Antonia; short stories by Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner; poems by Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, and Langston Hughes; and Eugene O'Neill's play Long Day's Journey into Night. Unit Three, Post- World War II, covers a number of more contemporary works: some extensions of modernism, others examples of postmodernism. Possible works here include stories by John Updike and Flannery O'Connor, Paul Auster's postmodern detective novel City of Glass, and poems by Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Bishop, and Sylvia Plath. Requirements include a midterm, a final, occasional written assignments, and class participation.

Two-hundred-twenty-five years ago a new nation-the United States-came into existence, dedicated, as Abraham Lincoln would later say, "to the proposition that all men are created equal." Imagined into existence-practically invented-publicly "declared"-America from the beginning put great trust in the inventiveness, imagination, and expression of each individual citizen. Since then the U.S. has become the most powerful nation on earth: a beacon of hope for some, an object of hatred and suspicion for others, a source of curiosity and amusement for many, an unavoidable presence for all. American literature is important to study because it offers a record of how different citizens over time have imagined and expressed their visions of America, its people, society, and landscape, its past, future, and ideals. In so doing these writers have contributed to the invention of America itself, whether by imagining enduring American types like Rip Van Winkle, Hester Prynne, and Huckleberry Finn; or, perhaps more impressively, by inventing themselves as new people, something Benjamin Franklin, Frederick Douglass, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman can all be said to have accomplished through their writings. Through a close chronological study of some important American literature, with a focus on the structure of texts as well as their historical contexts, this course aims to develop skills in literary analysis while providing insight into a culture that influences so many and so much in the world today.


006. African American Poetry [非美詩選]
2 credits
Dr. Raphael Schulte
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

African American poetry has its roots in African life, as well as African Americans experiences in America, including slavery and oppression. The poems are at times related to Christian hymns and folk songs. After briefly looking at gospel music and spirituals, we will explore the African American poetic traditions that began with colonial poets like Lucy Terry, Phillis Wheatley and George Moses Horton. We will continue by reading such nineteenth and twentieth century poets as James Weldon Johnson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and Sterling Brown. Also, for us to understand the range of African American poetry in the twentieth century we will discuss lyrics from blues songs and work songs. We will then address the relationship of Harlem Renaissance poets to modernism. Finally, we will look at the work of some contemporary African American poets. Since African American poetry written in the last two hundred years is quite diverse, we cannot hope to cover the entire range. So if you have specific poets or poems that you would like included in this course, please feel free to let me know.

We will not have a textbook for this course. Instead, I will provide handouts with the poems we will study. Students will be expected to write a weekly response journal as well as complete both a midterm exam and a final paper. The final grade for the semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned writings, participation, attendance, the mid-term exam, and the final paper.


007. World Theatre [世界劇場]
2 credits
Dr. Llyn Scott
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 55

Introduction to traditional as well as contemporary theatre forms which have impacted world theatre. This survey will include representative works from ancient eastern and western traditions; contemporary re-interpretations of classic works such as Peter Brook's version of the Indian classic, Mahabrata; and new works which reflect international influences. The course and materials will address theatre as a total art inclusive of dramatic texts and playwrights, actors and acting, directors, scenography and designers among many other facets. Individual texts will be supplemented with a variety of video tapes, guest lectures and opportunities to perform selected monologues in class. Textbook TBA.


008. Existentialism and Literature [存在主義與文學]
2 credits
Fr. Daniel Bauer
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 50

Existentialism is a broad term that includes a philosophical outlook on life as well as a body of literature that continues to influence writers and reading audiences everywhere. This course is an introduction to Existentialism, and offers students a general understanding of several of the most important existential writers. We will read brief portions of essays by Keirkegaard, Marcel, Camus, Sartre, Heidegger, and others, We will read the Camus novels The Plague, and The Stranger, and Kafka novella The Metamorphosis. Several plays and short stories by these and other writers will also be included in the course. Themes most popular for existential writers include the meaning of life, absurdity, anxiety, loneliness, and death. Requirements: Moderate to heavy reading assignments every week, monthly journals, and a mid-term and final exam. Depending on the number of students, the mid-term maybe oral.


009. Chinese-American Literature [華裔美籍作家作品研究]
2 credits
Bro. Nicholas Koss
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 40

This course is a study of novels and plays written by four generations of Chinese-American authors. The first generation is composed of Chinese who moved to the United States in the first of the 20th century and began to write fiction in English about the experiences of Chinese in America. Representative authors include Lin Yu-tang (Chinatown Family) and Louis Chu (Eat a Bowl of Tea). The second-generation of Chinese-American authors are writers who were born in America to Chinese parents and went through the American educational system of the 1930s and 1940s. These writers usually adopted the values of mainstream America. Jade Snow Wong (Fifth-Chinese Daughter) and Pardee Lowe (Father and Glorious Descendant) are the leading writers of this generation. Writers such as Maxine Hong Kingston (Woman Warrior), Frank Chin (The Year of the Dragon), who matured during the 1960s, represent the third generation of Chinese-American authors. They try to understand what it means to be Chinese-American, a person who is neither just Chinese nor just American. As for the fourth generation, it includes new and younger writers, such as Amy Tan and David Henry Hwang, who appear entirely comfortable with a Chinese American identity.

As a preface to looking at these four generations of writers, we will first spend the opening weeks of this course reading 19th and early 20th century American literature dealing with Chinese in the United States. Authors to be read include Mark Twain, Brete Harte, and Jack London. These authors will enable us to put Chinese-American literature in context.

A weekly one-page paper will be required as well as two longer papers (8-10 pages each). The mid-term and final examinations will be an opportunity to practice taking an essay examination. If possible, this course will be an internet class.


010. Fiction & Film [小說與電影]
2 credits
Ms. Leonora Yang
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 30

This course aims to provide students with the skills to analyze selected British/American novels of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and their filmic adaptations. We will read novels by writers like Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Joseph Conrad, and Margaret Atwood. Both fiction and film will be related to the cultural context in which they were produced.

Requirements: Heavy reading is required (50-100 pages a week). Regular, consistent participation in in-class activities (including assigned group or individual presentations and responses as well as general discussion) will be expected from every student. There will be occasional quizzes, a midterm paper and a final exam. Texts:
  • Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
  • The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood


011. Teaching Children [兒童教學]
2 credits
Ms. Tina Kuo
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 35

Objectives: Loving children and enjoying teaching English don't guarantee you can "teach" children to learn with fun.

This course provides prospective English teachers who intend to teach learners targeted at elementary school levels the necessary background knowledge of how children learn a language differently from adults, the essential management tips for you to survive the extremely up-front evaluators and the analysis of the English learning phenomenon in Taiwan.

Course Content:
  • The Age as a Factor in Second Language Acquisition
  • The Psychological/Cognitive/Physical Development of Children
  • The National Language Policies in Taiwan and in Asia
  • Curriculum Across All Subject Areas and Lesson Planning in Authentic Context
  • Evaluations of Teaching Materials
  • Teaching Alphabets, Phonics, Pronunciation and Four Skills (L+S+R+W)
  • Using Nursery Rhymes and Chants in the Classroom
  • Panel Discussion: The Cram School Myth in Taiwan
  • Panel Discussion: Examining the Effectiveness of English Teachers' Training Programs
  • Panel Discussion: English Programs on TV and CD-ROM
  • Guest Speaker from Elementary Schools or Observation Trip
  • Alternative Assessment for Young Learners
  • The Effective Use of Instructional Language in the Classroom
  • Creative Use and Design of Teaching Aids
  • Activities that Stir up the Learning Souls
Evaluations: Practicum (40%), enthusiastic participation in small-group discussions(25%), one report due at the end of the semester (30%) and devotion of time and efforts (5%). Textbook: Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 1994. Teaching English to Children. Longman. Reference Books:
  • Haycraft, John. 1992. An Introduction to English Language Teaching.
  • Phillips, Sarah. 1993. Young Learners. Oxford University Press.
  • Vale, David and Deunteun, Anne. 1995. Teaching Children English. Cambridge Univeristy Press.
  • Halliwell, Susan. 1992. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Longman.
  • Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.
  • Caves English Teaching. Quarterly. Caves Books, LTD.
  • 《暢談英語教學CET精選集》. 1993. Caves Books, LTD.


012. Grammar for Teaching [文法教法]
2 credits
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 40

The objectives of this course are to improve students' English grammar (and their understanding of grammar) and to introduce them ways to teaching grammar. We will focus on the following issues: what is grammar, the differences between descriptive and prescriptive grammar, pedagogical and transformational grammar, different approaches and problems in teaching grammar, the most essential and/or tricky grammatical structures, and a number of grammar activities.

Several books will be useful references for the class, including Introducing Grammar (by Edward Woods), Understanding English Grammar (by Ronald Wardhaugh), A Teachers' Grammar (by R. A. Close), Teaching Grammar: Form, Function and Technique (by Sandra L. McKay), Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers (by Penny Ur), Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar (by Marianne Celce-Murcia and Sharon Hilles), and a couple of others. A list of references will be passed out in class. Students who decide to take this course are required to get hold of at least one comprehensive grammar book, such as The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course (by Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman), or A Grammar of Contemporary English (by Quirk and Greenbaum), and one reference book, such as Practical English Usage (by Michael Swan), or Collins Cobuild English Usage.

Other requirements for the course include: weekly reading assignments, participation in all class discussions, micro teaching and a lesson plan, a paper on a topic chosen (or an article review) and/or exams/quizzes.


013. Second Language Acquisition (SLA) [第二外語習得]
2 credits
Mr. Thomas Nash

For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 45

This course will examine some of the major questions related to how people learn second/foreign languages. Since we are all second language learners, we will look at our own experiences, and do small-scale pseudo-experiments on ourselves in class, in addition to learning from the textbook. For this reason, regular attendance and active participation are crucial. Likewise, group cooperation for the experiments and reports will be essential. The course will cover methodology, types of data analysis, accepted conclusions about SLA, input to SLA, factors affecting the SLA of individuals, the relationship between teaching and learning, and major theories. Requirements will include an experiment and report (35%), review of a journal article (20%), comments on the reports of two other groups (15%), a final exam (15%), and participation (15%). Textbook: To be announced.


014. Cross-Cultural Communication [跨文化溝通]
2 credits
Dr. Mei-chen Huang
For Juniors above
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 40

This course aims to help students develop their cultural understanding, and build effective cross-cultural communication skills. Topics covered in this term are dimensions of culture, language and culture, value and belief systems in different cultures, similarities and differences in communication patterns among cultures, diversity of communication practices within each culture, and communication breakdowns in cross-cultural encounters.

Students are expected to read assigned weekly readings ahead of time, and actively take part in class discussions. Course requirements will include in-class presentations, written reports, and a term project.

Tentative Textbooks:
  • Kramsch, Claire. (1998). Language and Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Luce, Louise Fiber, & Smith, Elise C. (1987). Toward Internationalism. Mass: Heinle & Heinle.


015. Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) [英語教學法]
2 credits
Dr. Rebecca Yeh
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 35

The purpose of this course is to give students an overview of both traditional and innovative methods and learning principles for teaching English as a second/foreign language (TESL/TEFL). Throughout the course of the semester, short chapters, journal articles, and other various resources (e.g., web sites, CD-ROMs) will be assigned to expand students' knowledge about English teaching. In addition to lectures, classroom discussions, and oral presentations, English teachers from different levels will be invited to share experiences about English teaching and related career preparations. To apply methods and techniques learned from the course, students will conduct micro-teachings in the classroom. After the semester, students will obtain basis for and practical experience in developing, adapting, and evaluating curricula, instructional techniques, and instructional materials for English teaching.

Required Materials:
  • Textbook: Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Hong-Kong: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-13-328220-1.
  • Hand-Outs Packet
Reference Books:
  • Finocchiaro, M. (1989). English as a Second/Foreign Language. Fourth Edition. Prentice-Hall.
  • Brown, H. D. (1994). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Regents. ISBN 0-19-434133-X.
Requirements and Gradings:
  • Attendance & participation ---10%
  • Midterm Exam on TESL Methods: 25%
  • Oral presentations: 40% (#A - TESL Method Presentation; #B - Teaching Technique Presentation)
  • Short paper---25%


016. Performing Arts: Directing [舞台藝術:導演技巧]
2 credits
Dr. Llyn Scott
For Sophomores above
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 30

Performing Arts: Directing is a continuation of the first semester's introduction to acting. In this course, students will become familiar with the fundamentals of play direction. The final project will focus on each step of play production to include play selection, auditions, casting, rehearsals, technical production, stage management, theatre administration and performance. Textbook TBA.


017. Professional Ethics [專業倫理]
2 credits
Fr. Daniel Bauer
For Juniors above
Prerequisite: Philosophy of Life
Priority will be given to seniors.
Class limit: 40

This course is a general introduction to the meaning of "ethics" in both professional and daily life. "Ethics" is an understanding of how we know or sense what is "right" and "wrong" in our attitudes and behavior. In itself, ethics is not directly related to religion, and has been a long-term subject for philosophers. This course focuses particularly on discussions of ethical sensitivity as it relates to gender stereotypes, confidentiality and privileged information, academic honesty, and the field of business and advertising. To a limited degree, the course also touches on medical ethics. An essential part of the course is an exchange of views between students and instructor on "practical ethics," which includes situations of so called ordinary friendships, as well as romantic friendships, and relations within family life.

The instructor is considering ordering an ethics textbook which costs 350NT. Video is used twice in the course, and frequent hand-outs from daily newspapers are provided. Homework includes two written and one oral journal, and a five-case ethics folder. Students will make folder presentations in class.


018. 20th Century Chinese Literature: Fiction II [廿世紀中國小說(二)]
2 credits
Mr. Hsieh
For Sophomore above
Download the reading list.


  • 知識:從閱讀文獻、鑑賞討論選作中,了解二十世紀中國小說的變遷與特色。
  • 方法:鍛鍊鑑賞文學作品的觀念、能力,並從過程、方法的鍛鍊中培養眼力、胸襟、處事的態度與自主學習的能力。
  • 心靈:藉小說體驗二十世紀中國文明、中國人心態的變遷,學習如何反省自己、社會、傳統,並對應世界文明發展的主潮,為自己找個安身立命之處。
  • 延伸:可為中外比較之參考。






1 啟蒙小說 1
2 情愛小說 1
3 叛逆、感傷小說 1
4 鄉土小說 1
5 左翼小說 1
6 都市、現代派小說 1
7 救亡、諷刺小說 1
8 工農兵小說 1

1 頌歌、戰歌與變奏 1
2 傷痕、反思小說 1
3 反思、改革小說 1
4 地域風情、尋根小說 1
5 新潮小說 1
6 新寫實小說 1
7 新歷史小說 1


8 商業寫作 1
9 軍旅小說 1
10 女性小說 1
11 個人立場與民間立場 1

1 敘論、日據時代小說 1
2 戰歌、鄉土、女性 1
3 現代主義小說 1
4 鄉土小說一 1
5 鄉土小說二 1
6 政治小說 1
7 都市小說 1
8 女性小說 1
9 留學生與旅外作家小說 1
10 後現代小說 1
11 新人類、新人文主義小說 1
12 邊緣戰鬥與特色寫作 1




  • 全套目錄,內列各單元重要作家作品,配合概論資料可自行延伸(開學發)。
  • 概論、作品:絕大部份須製作講義,極少數用書。
  • 同學預習、繳作業,教師帶討論、解說。
  • 同學分組同步或分題處理一個專題,一學期至少二次。
  • 為補課堂之不足,每單元都配讀概論資料,寫成綱目(條列)式提要。
  • 沒輪到講論者,各單元作品之情節寫成條列式提要,外加主題、人物等分析更好。
  • 設有評量項目(如作業、講論)及比例,按進度分配在各階段中,除非計劃無法推行,否則不考試。
  • 上課規則、出缺席等另行公佈(進度表會載明)。
  • 預選人數確定,會通知開「課程說明會」,會中會確定分組、抽籤,個人、小組工作,講義(繳費、何時何地取),交代假期作業等事宜。
  • 課程說明會有最後確認要不要修的機會,確定後不接受退選,請注意選擇的意義。
  • 本課程教材上下學期一貫,行政上則為學期選修,建議修一年。
  • 每次的份量(含概論、作品)100頁-250頁者居多,超過的約有4次。
  • 本課程三年開一次,每位同學在大學階段只有一次機會,準備好挑戰就來。
  • 上課時間:週四34節,一般會延長至12:30
  • 有疑難請在選課前來談(一、四、五中午或下課時最佳)。
  • 附「二十世紀中國小說」閱讀作品目錄,意者請上系網下載檔案,或向助教索取影印。


019. Advanced Chinese for Overseas Student [進階僑生國文]
2 credits
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan
For Sophomore Overseas Students above
Prerequisite: Freshman Chinese
Class limit: 40

This course is offered every other year to overseas Chinese students who need to take 4-credit advanced Chinese courses to fulfill the requirement of the department. The main goal of the course is to help these students to improve their reading (and basic writing) abilities in Chinese. Students will have a chance to read various types of prose (essays, short stories, etc.) and some poems in modern Chinese at their level. All classes will be conducted in Chinese (if all the students understand spoken Mandarin) so that students have more chance to improve their listening and speaking abilities in Chinese as well.

The course content will be geared to the majority students' needs and abilities. Students should complete all the weekly reading/writing assignments, participate actively in class/group discussions, give oral reports on some reading assignment, and write journals for their readings. Besides, students will keep a weekly learning log, recording the vocabulary/expressions learned. There will also be a midterm and a final exam.

We will continue learning more Chinese idioms (成語) , and read some more works by 張愛玲 and by other authors such as 沈從文、白先勇、朱自清、董橋 and 林海音. Suggestions about the reading materials from the students are always welcome.


020. Journalistic Writing in English II [新聞英文寫作(二)] (Advanced Writing)
2 credits
Ms. Tzi-yu Lin
For Seniors Only
Prerequisite: English Composition III
Class limit: 25

This course is designed for students who have acquired the basic knowledge of Journalism through translating news articles from English into Chinese in the first semester. The first hour of class will be given to more intensive reading of news stories and features from periodical. The second hour of class will be devoted to scrutinizing news articles translated by students from Chinese into English.

Students are expected to hand in type written assignments, and actively take part in class discussions.


021. Chinese-English Translation II [中英翻譯(二)] (Advanced Writing)
2 credits
Mr. Daniel Wang

For Seniors Only
Prerequisite: English Composition III
Class limit: 25

This course offers practical experience in Chinese-English translation. The focus of this semester will be on the techniques in translating texts of different literary styles (classical Chinese, spoken Chinese, poetry, prose, etc.) and various subjects (literature, science, art, journalism, business, etc.)

TEXT: There is no textbook for this course. Teaching materials and Chinese texts will be prepared by the instructor.

REQUIREMENTS: There will be five written assignments and one oral presentation during the semester. The Chinese texts to be translated for the written assignments will be provided by the instructor; the materials for the oral presentation may be chosen by students themselves but will have to be approved first by the instructor. ATTENDANCE: Since discussion in class is important, regular attendance will be expected. EVALUATION: There will be no mid-term or final exams. Grades will be based on (1) the evaluations of the written assignments; (2) the evaluation of the oral presentation; (3) class attendance and participation.


022. Business English Writing II [商務英文寫作(二)] (Advanced Writing)
2 credits
Mr. Brian Reynolds
For Seniors Only
Prerequisite: English Composition III
Class limit: 25

This course is designed for students who would like to work in the business world after graduation and is also useful for those who intend to apply to a business related graduate school.

This semester we shall be dealing at considerable length with skills that you will be needing very shortly, namely job interview techniques, graduate school applications and how to write resumes. A good resume makes the difference between being called for interview or not. A good interview makes the difference between getting the job or not! Theses are skills that you cannot afford to ignore. By the end of the course your chances should be better than average! You will be expected write resumes based on real job advertisements and real graduate schools. Each student will also be expected to present for a "real" interview.

You will also learn about the types of writing you will be required to do on a day-to-day basis if you are lucky enough to land the job. In the first semester we dealt with various forms of paper correspondence, such as letters of complaint, requests for information and billing procedures. We shall be dealing with other types of paper correspondence, such as covering letters and basic import/expert procedures, this semester. However, our main emphasis will be on electronic correspondence and faxes. E-mails are a relatively new phenomenon and require a style of English that even native speakers have to learn. They entail a brevity, clarity and informality that are very different from the conventions of paper correspondence. The advent of the Internet has altered the whole nature of how business is conducted and how people relate to each other. It is essential to learn about these matters.

The principal method we shall be using to help you to acquire these skills will be through the use of "real life" situations. You will be presented with a variety of scenarios that you would be likely to come across in the Taiwanese business world. You will be expected to work effectively in a group as well as being graded on your individual work.

In addition we shall be looking at some potential cultural conflicts that may arise when dealing with Western business people. If time permits, we may examine some macroeconomic issues such as globalization and the communications revolution.

No one book could cover all the areas we shall be dealing with, so we shall be relying mainly on handouts and class presentations. However, as a reference book for this course and for the future, it is strongly recommended that you acquire a copy of: Taylor, S. Gartside, L. Model Business Letters and Other Business Documents. London: Financial Times, 1992.

I hope those of you who choose this course will find it useful and stimulating. I will also welcome any ideas that you might have on course content.

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