The Caribbean Area

"It's a lazy life that we live here,/ Tho' we carry a fair share of work." Una Marson "In Jamaica"

Some Anglophone Nations

Barbados  map (external) 

Trinidad and Tobago




 An old man at a Jamaican carnival. 
(《中美》 151) 

《中美》 153-54)


Benson, Eugene, & W. Conolly, eds.  Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English.  2 Vols.  New York: Routledge, 1994.
Time Encyclopedia
《國家與人民︰中美》。 郭震唐、聶良知編。  台北︰錦繡,1990.
《世界風物誌20: 拉丁美洲I》。  郭震唐總編。  台北︰地球,1977.
Boot, Adrian, & Christ. Salewicz.  Bob Marley: Songs of Freedom.  Rita Marley, Executive Ed.   London: Bloomsbury, 1995.
The World Book Encyclopedia  Chicago: World Book, Inc., 1985.