Teacher Resource Materials


Chants Conversation Games Grammar
Integrated Materials Listening Reading Software/ Multimedia
Tool Books Videos Vocabulary Writing




 Murphey, Tim.  1992.  Music and Songs.Oxford: Oxford UP.


Gimson, A. C.  1987. A Practical Course of English Pronunciation.

        London: Edward Arnold.

Hewings. M.  1993. Pronunciation Tasks. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Klippel, Frederike.  1984.  Keep Talking.Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Phillips, Sarah.  1999.  Drama with Children.  Oxford: Oxford UP.

Sandsberry/Sorenson. GOOD Chats: Guided Open Oral Discourse for Advanced

        Students of English, Revised ed.  Bookman Books, LTD.

West, Brana.  1997. Talk Your Head Off.  Prentice Hall Regents.


Gorden Lewis with Gunther Bedson.  1999. Games for Children. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Phillips Sarah.  1999. Drama with Children.  Oxford: Oxford UP.

Wright, Andrew, David Betteridge, and Michael Buckby.  1983.  Games for Language

        Learning.  London: Cambridge UP.


Peter Watcyn-Jones.  1984.   Grammar Games & Activities For Teachers.  Longman.

Rinvolucri, Mario, and Davis, Paul.  1995. More Grammar Games.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Sinclair, J.  1992.  Collins COBUILD English Usage.  Birmingham University with

      London: Harper Collins.

Ur, Penny.  1988.  Grammar Practice Activities.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

[Integrated Materials]

Dubin, F. and E. Olshtain.  1977.  Facilitating Language Learning: A Guidebook for

        the ESL/EFL Teacher.  New York: McGraw-Hill.

Gower, Roger, Diane Phillips and Steve Walters.  1995.  Teaching Practice

        Handbook.  New York: Heinemann.

Nolasco, Rob and Lois Arthur.  1987.  ConversationOxford: Oxford UP.

Phillips Diane, Sarah Burwood, and Helen Dunford.  1999.  Projects With Young

        Learners.  Oxford: Oxford UP.

Richards, Jack, John Platt and Heidi Weber.  1985.  The Longman Dictionary of Applied

        Linguistics.  Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.

Richards, Jack C. and David Nunan, eds.  1990.  Second Language Teacher

        Education.Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Sesame. English Worksheets for Children: Pupil-Centered, Activity Approach

Book 1, 2, 3, 4.  Bookman Books, LTD.

Sion, Christopher.  1991.  More Recipes for Tired Teachers: Well-Seasoned Activities

        for the ESOL Classroom.  Addison-Wesley.

Willis, Dave.  1991.  Collins Cobuild Student's Grammar.  London: HarperCollins.



White, Goodith.  1998.  Listening.  Oxford: Oxford UP.


Greenwood, Jean.  1988.  Class Readers.  Oxford: Oxford UP.

Grundy, Peter.  1993.  Newspapers.  Oxford: Oxford UP.


[Software/ Multimedia]

Gilleland, Don.  Twenty-Minute Plays.  Bookman Books, LTD.

Gilleland, Don.  Five-Minute Plays: Six Plays for the Classroom.  Bookman Books, LTD.

[Tool Books]

Allwright, D.  1988. Observation in the Language Classroom.  London: Longman.

Bowen, Tim and Jonathan Marks.  1994.  Inside Teaching.Oxford: Heinemann.

Breen, M., C. Candlin, L. Dam and G. Gabrielsen.  1990.  The evolution of a teacher

        training programme.  In J. K. Johnson (ed.), The Second Language Curriculum,

        111-135. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Britzman, D. 1991. Practice makes practice: A critical study of learning to teach. 

Albany, NY. State University of New York Press.

Brumfit, J. and A. Rossner.  1982.  The decision pyramid and teacher training for ELT. 

ELT Journal, 36/4.

Calderhead, J., & Robson, M. (1991). Images of teaching: Student teachers' early 

conceptions of classroom practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 7, 1-8.

Carter, K.  1994.  The case against thinking like a teacher. Journal of Teacher Education,

         45 (3): 236-238.

Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary.  1987.  London: Collins.

Cullen, R.  1994.  Incorporating a language improvement component in teacher training

        programs. ELT Journal, 48, 162-172.

DeCamp, David.  1965.  "Training English Teachers in the Far East." Language 

        Learning 15 (3, 4): 119-27.

Edge, J.  1991.  Cooperative Development: Professional Self-development through

        Cooperation with Colleagues.  London: Longman.

Ellis, G. and B. Sinclair.  1989.  Learning to Learn English: A course in learning training.

   Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Freeman, Donald and Steve Cornwell.  1993.  New Ways in Teacher Education.

        Alexandria, VA: TESOL.

Freeman, D. (1989). Teacher training, development, and decision making: A model of teaching 

        and related strategies for language teacher education. TESOL Quarterly, 32, 27-45.

Freeman, D. 1991. "To make the tacit explicit": Teacher education, emerging 

discourse, and conceptions of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education,
         7 (516): 439?454.

Grabe, William, and Denise Mahon. 1993. "Teacher Training in China: Problems and 

Perspectives." On TESOL '82, 47-60. Washington, D.C.: TESOL.
Golebiowska, Alexandria.  1989.  Role-plays in Pre-service Teacher Training.

    English Teaching Forum.  Washington, D. C.

Hatton, N., and D. Smith. 199S. Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition 

        and implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education 11 (1): 33-49.

Johnson, K. E. 1992. Learning to teach: Instructional actions and decisions of preservice 

        ESL teachers. TESOL Quarterly 26 (3): 507-35.

Johnson, K. E. 1994. The emerging beliefs and instructional practices of preservice ESL 

        teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education 10 (4): 439-452.

Johnson, K. E.  1996.  Portfolio assessment in second language teacher education. 

        TESOL journal 6 (2): 11?14.

Johnson, K. E.  1998.  Teachers understanding teaching. Installation, navigation, 

        and investigations. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Longman Essential Activator.  1997.  Longman, London.

Longman Language Activator.  1993.  Longman, London.

Marckwardt, Albert. 1961. "The Cultural Preparation of the Teacher of English as a 

        Second Language." Language Learning 11(3, 4): 153-6

Murdoch, G.  1994.  Language development provision in teacher training curricula.

ELT Journal, 48, 253-265.

Parrott, M.  1993.  Tasks for Language Teachers.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Richards, J.  1990.  The Language Teaching Matrix.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Richards, J. and Nunan, D.  1990.  Second Language Teacher Education.

        Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Shulman, J. H. (ed.). 1992. Case methods in teacher education. New York: Teachers 

        College Press.

Thomas, Chihiro Kinoshita.  1998.  Junior Teacher Internship: Promoting

        Co-operative interaction and Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language

        Classrooms.  Foreign LanguageAnnals 31 (4): 569-83.

Wajnryb, R.  1992.  Classroom Observation Tasks.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Wallace, M.  1991.  Training Foreign Language Teachers: A Reflective Approach.

        Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Weinstein, C. S. (1990). Prospective elementary teachers' beliefs about teach?ing: Implications

        for teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 6, 279-90.

Wilga M. Rivers.  1983.  Communicating Naturally in a Second Language: Theory and Practice in

        language teaching.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

1983.Communicating Naturally in a Second Language. New York: Cam?bridge University Press.

1999. Oxford Bookworms Factfiles.  Oxford: Oxford UP.


McSwain/Morihara. Getting Around In American English.  Bookman Books, LTD.


Allen, V. F.  1983.  Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary.  New York: Oxford UP.

Barnes, Annette, Jean Hines, and Jennie Weldon.  1996. Having Fun with Vocabulary.  Longman.

Morgan, J. and Rinvolucri, M.  1986.  Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford UP.

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Diana Fried-Booth.  Project Work.  Oxford: Oxford UP.

Gerngross, G. and Puchta, H.  1992.  Pictures in Action.  Hemel Hempstead:

        Prentice Hall International.

Peter Watcyn-Jones.  1984. Pairwork.  Longman.

Ur. P.  1981. Discussions that Work. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

WRIGHT, A.  1976. Visual Materialsfor the Language Teacher.  Longman.

Wright, A.  1984. 1000 Pictures for Teachers to Copy.  London: Collins.

Wright, A. and Haleem, S.  1991.  Visuals for the Language Classroom.  London: Longman.

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