Undergraduate Courses: Fall 2001
English Department, FJCU

Fall 2001

Fall 2001 List of Required Courses






Time for Class Advisor


Physical Education


Military Training (F)


Military Training (M)




Foreign Language


Introduction to Western Literature (A)


Introduction to Western Literature (B)


English Lab. (A)


English Lab. (B)


Readings in Modern English (A)


Readings in Modern English (B)


Applied Computer Technology (A)


Applied Computer Technology (B)


Applied Computer Technology (C)


Mythology & Bible


English Composition & Conversation I (A)


English Composition & Conversation I (B)


English Composition & Conversation I (C)


English Composition & Conversation I (D)


English Composition & Conversation I (E)


Introduction to University Studies


Time for Class Advisor


Philosophy of Life


English Composition & Conversation II (A)


English Composition & Conversation II (B)


English Composition & Conversation II (C)


English Composition & Conversation II (D)


English Composition & Conversation II (E)


Public Speaking (A)


Public Speaking (B)


Public Speaking (C)


History of Western Civilization I (A)


History of Western Civilization I (B)


Introduction of English Linguistics (A)


Introduction of English Linguistics (B)


Time for Class Advisor


English Composition III (A)


English Conversation III (A)


English Composition III (B)


English Conversation III (B)


English Composition III (C)


English Conversation III (C)


English Composition III (D)


English Conversation III (D)


English Composition III (E)


English Conversation III (E)
400 Time for Class Advisor


Fall 2001 List of Elective Courses:
Advanced Writing
Electives for Seniors Only





British Literature I


Renaissance British Literature/Culture




20th Cent. British Poetry


20th Century British Short Fiction


Survey of American Literature


Masterworks of American Fiction


American Drama


Contemporary Canadian Literature and Film                [Top]



Child Language


Teaching Reading


Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)


Computer-Aided Bibliography and Research


Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)


Performing Arts                                                                   [Top]



20th Century Chinese Fiction I


Advanced Chinese for Overseas Student


Professional Ethics                                                              [Top]

Advanced Writing


Journalistic Writing in English I


Chinese-English Translation I


Business English Writing I

Electives for Seniors Only


English-Chinese Oral Interpretation


Senior Play                                                                           [Top]

 Course Description: Fall 2001

001. British Literature I [英國文學史(一)]
3 credits
Ms. Jennifer Chiu(flcg1036@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Sophomores above
Class limit: 40
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course is to survey the English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century by sampling the major writers and works in all periods. The object is not just to study a succession of writers and works but also to learn a tradition in which each individual author and text plays a part. We cannot, even in a lifetime, read all the works that make up the tradition, but we can learn enough about it from a selection of works to relate these works and their authors to one another and to their common heritage.

Textbook: The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Vol. I. London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.

Tentative Schedule (subject to change)

Week Assigned reading Keywords
  • Anonymous: "The Dream of the Rood" (pp. 26-28);"The Wanderer" (pp. 99-102)
allegory, elegy, epic, kennings
  • Introduction: "The Middle Ages to ca. 1485" (pp. 1-22)
  • Anonymous: selections from Beowulf
Celtic, runes; warrior, comitatus, wergild, wyrd, scop, mead hall
  • Chaucer: "The General Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales (pp. 210-235)
romance, fabliau, exemplum, beast fable
  • Anonymous: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (pp. 156-210)
  • Malory: "The Death of Arthur" from Morte D'Arthur (pp. 430-439) 
knight (hood), chivalry
  • Anonymous: Everyman (pp. 445-467)
  • Popular Ballads: "Lord Randall"; "Bonny Barbara Allan"; "The Three Ravens"; "Sir Patrick Spens"
Miracle/mystery plays, morality plays, personification; popular Ballads
  • Introduction: "The Sixteenth Century: 1485-1603" (pp. 469-498)
  • More: selections from Utopia
reformation, renaissance, humanism, satire, rationality 
  • Spenser: selections from Book I of The Fairy Queene
Romantic-allegorical epic, dream-vision, evil/sin
  • Marlowe: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (pp. 990-1023)
tragedy, blank verse, pride, knowledge, sensation 
  • Shakesepeare: selected Sonnets; Twelfth Night (pp. 11043-1105)
Petrarchan/Italian sonnets, Shakespearean/English sonnets, quatrains, couplet, immortality,
"Dark Lady," love/lust; romantic comedy of love in disguise
  • Introduction: "The Early Seventeenth Century: 1603-1660" (pp. 1209-1232)
  • Donne: "The Flea" (pp. 1233-1236); "The Canonization" (p. 1240-1241); "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" (pp. 1248-1249)
  • Marvell: "To His Coy Mistress"; "The Definition of Love" (pp. 1684-85, 1691-93)
metaphysical conceits, dramatic monologue/dialogue; passion/intellect
  • Milton: "Lycidas" (pp. 1771-1774, 1790-1796); selections from Paradise Lost; "When I Consider How My Light Was Spent" (p. 1814)
pastoral elegy, evocation/apostrophe; epic, blank verse, Satanic hero; sonnet 
  • Introduction: "The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: 1660-1785" (pp. 2045-2070)
  • Dryden: "MacFlecknoe"; "A Song for St. Cecilia's Day" (pp. 2071-2072, 2099-2108, 2106-2108)
mock heroic, heroic couplet; odes
  • Swift: selections from Gulliver's Travels; "A Modest Proposal" (pp. 2298-2299, 2473-2479)
  • Congreve: The Way of the World (pp. 2215-2280)
Restoration drama, comedy of manners, wit
  • Pope: "The Rape of Lock" (pp. 2505-2509, 2525-2544)
mock epic, heroic couplet


  1. Lateness and absences are strongly discouraged. You will automatically fail this course after five absences; grades will be lowered after the third absence. Three lates equal one absence. The teacher must be informed of your absence in advance (unless it's an emergency) and provided with substantial evidence to justify it as well.

  2. You need to write three position papers, for each you will be provided a list of topics from which you choose one to write out a more-than-3-page analytical article. If you want to use any secondary sources, your papers must include parenthetical citations for all paraphrasing and quoting, as well as a list of works cited at the end. You will automatically fail this course if you plagiarize.

  3. Once in a while, you may be asked to write a more-than-2-page journal on a question related to a specific reading. And quizzes will be given whenever necessary.

  4. Late assignments will not be accepted. When absent on the day for an assignment to be turned in, you must hand it in the first day you come back to school (not a week after!)

Tentative Grading Scale (subject to change)

  1. Midterm & final exams 50%

  2. Papers, journals, quizzes, class participation 50%

NOTE: Try to prepare your reading during the summer vacation by starting with the longer works such as Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Everyman, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, Twelfth Night, Gulliver's Travels, and The Way of the World.


002. Renaissance British Literature/Culture [文藝復興時期英國文學文化]
2 credits
Dr. David S.Y. Yu
For Juniors above
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course will focus on the issues of race and ethnicity in the English Renaissance. The major reason for this emphasis is that the Western constructs of race and ethnicity were created in the Renaissance, a historical period marked by the beginning of Western merchants traveling to the East and by the earliest beginning of colonialism which gave rise to a great age of geographical discovery and colonization. Since Renaissance drama is a very good place for us to explore issues of race and ethnicity, we will explore how Renaissance dramatists constructed ethnic others heroically, demonically, and brutally. The plays corresponding to our purpose include Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, The Jew of Malta, and The Tempest. Methodologically, we will discuss a number of theories of culture and history that might prove relevant to the object of this course. We will investigate the debate on the relationship among literature, history, politics, and culture conducted by theorists in historicism, new historicism, cultural poetics, cultural materialism, Marxism and even archaeo-historicism, a term recently coined by Robert D. Hume. Cultural theorists and/or critics whose works we will probably examine include Edward W. Said, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Homi K. Bhabha, Stephen J. Greenblatt, Raymond Williams, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, and Richard Levin.

You will do at least two oral presentations: one on an essay and the other on a play to be read for this course, both based on a topic of your own choice. In addition, quizzes will be given once in a while without prior notice, so you must prepare for each class meeting carefully. You will also be required to participate actively in class discussion about the plays and essays assigned for this course. Grading policy: class attendance and performance: 30%; oral presentations: 30%; quizzes: 40%.


  1. Plays: I will order the plays through Bookman. Students should get their own copies sometime before the class begins in the fall of 2001.

  2. Essays will be prepared for students to make their own copies.


003. Shakespeare [莎士比亞]
2 credits
Dr. Raphael Schulte
For Juniors above
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course will focus on seven of Shakespeare's plays written and performed in the Elizabethan/Jacobean world of Renaissance England. This world differs from our contemporary situation here in Taiwan, so we will at times need to address the social, political, and cultural contexts in which William Shakespeare lived and wrote. Our reading list for this course is a set of scripts—texts not meant to be primarily read (though that is what we will do), but rather performed for an audience. Accordingly, this course will go beyond an emphasis on texts alone, so you can expect to be called upon to read aloud, offer opinions, and move around at a moment's notice. This class, then, will give you a set of techniques for reading and considering Shakespeare's plays in their literary and theatrical contexts.

Because you need to know the basic facts of Shakespeare's life and times, each of you will be required to read a general introduction to Shakespeare and write a brief summary/response to it. We will be reading seven plays in chronological order, including examples of his comedies, tragedies, a history play, and a late romance. Each play must be read carefully because the mid-term and final exams will test your memory of the plays' texts. Our textbook will be The Riverside Shakespeare (second edition). Your final grade for the semester will be based on the quizzes, assigned writings, participation, attendance, the mid-term exam, and the final exam. One of the assigned writings is a typed summary/response to an article about one of the plays we read this semester.

Our class will be internet-assisted so that we can go beyond the walls and boundaries of the traditional classroom. By using the internet, you will have access to many helpful sites about Shakespeare and his writings on the World Wide Web; you will be able to discuss freely with your classmates and me the texts that we will read for class; and you will receive specific and helpful instructions and materials that relate to the plays and poems we will read.


004. 20th Century British Poetry [二十世紀英詩研究]
2 credits
Dr. Raphael Schulte
For Juniors
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course will examine a variety of modern and contemporary British poets and poems. We will explore the characteristics and meaning of "modernism" or even--perhaps--how many types and contradictory understandings of modernism are embedded in twentieth century British poetry. Our emphasis will be on short lyric poems and their social and cultural contexts.

The last hundred years have been notable for the number of exciting and challenging British poets writing. Because of this, we cannot in one semester hope to read or even sample all of that poetry. With that in mind, I am at this point planning to include the following poets on our reading list, but if there are other poets (or even specific poems) that you are interested in studying, please feel free to tell me. We may begin by examining for the first two or three weeks the late Victorian poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins (not extensively published until 1918) and poems by Thomas Hardy. We may then read poems by Charlotte Mew and texts by William Butler Yeats and Mina Loy. We will then discuss poets actively writing during World War I--particularly Wilfred Owen and Edward Thomas--and then proceed to read poems by W. H. Auden, Laura Riding, D. H. Lawrence, and Dylan Thomas, as well as selections from contemporary poets like Ted Hughes, Jon Silkin, Thom Gunn, Seamus Heaney, Philip Larkin, Tony Harrison, and Eavan Boland.


005. 20th Century British Short Fiction [廿世紀英國短篇小說]
2 credits
Fr. Daniel Bauer (
For Juniors above
Class Limit: 45

Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature


This is an overview of short fiction written in England from the time of World War I till the present. All the fiction is "short" in length, which means most of the materials used are short stories. It is possible the instructor will include short "novellas" of about 50 pages in length. Among the authors presented are Doris Lessing, Muriel Spark, Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, Graham Greene, and Somerset Maugham. The instructor will prepare a self-printer reader for students. Four monthly journals, and a mid-term and final exam will combine with solid course participation to offer grades.


006. Survey of American Literature [美國文學史]
3 credits
Dr. Joseph Murphy (engl1026@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Juniors above
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

Survey of American Literature, Part One, covers the development of American literature from the seventeenth century to the late-nineteenth century, through readings in various genres including fiction, poetry, essays, autobiography, and oratory. Throughout we will keep returning to the question of how American writers participated in and responded to the definition of "America" itself. For Europeans who settled there (native peoples whose narratives we will also examine, are a special case), America was a vast new enterprise and experiment. Whether it was primarily a spiritual, an economic, or a political experiment, and whether it succeeded or failed, is an open question addressed differently by different writers.

Major works on the syllabus include poetry by Ann Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson; autobiographical writings by Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, and Frederick Douglass; short fiction by Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, and Herman Melville; Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay Nature and Nathaniel Hawthorne's romance The Scarlet Letter. Our discussions will focus on close analysis of texts while lectures will introduce individual authors and survey relevant historical issues (for example, the American Revolution, slavery, the Civil War) and cultural movements (like Puritanism and Transcendentalism). Sometimes we will look at American paintings as a point of comparison to American literature.

The course offers students knowledge of an important body of literature, an understanding of American culture and identity, skills in literary analysis, and a framework for future reading. Requirements include class participation, two short response papers, a midterm and a final exam. Survey of American Literature, Part Two, is offered in the Spring Semester. Parts One and Two may be taken either independently of one another, or in succession as a year-long survey.


007. Masterworks of American Fiction [美國小說名著選讀]
2 credits
Dr. Joseph Murphy (engl1026@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Juniors above
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

In this course we will read, analyze, and discuss works of fiction by some important American authors. The course will begin with a brief historical survey of American fiction through short works selected from among Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James, Stephen Crane, Charles Chesnutt, Ernest Hemingway, Willa Cather, William Faulkner, John Cheever, Flannery O'Connor, and Raymond Carver. Next, we will turn to three novels, possibly by Edith Wharton, William Faulkner, and Toni Morrison. Readings for this course do not overlap with Survey of American Literature. Requirements include two short response papers, a final, and class participation.


008. American Drama [美國戲劇]
2 credits
Dr. Lyn Scott (
For Juniors above
Class limit: 40
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

American literature, especially in twentieth-century or contemporary literature, offers students a unique opening into the experience and meaning of drama as an American literary form. Drama seems to require a viewer; a play creates audience in the process of making character, situation, scene and dramatic effect; the student, in the act of reading, becomes a collaborator in creating a visual image of the scene. Through the study of selected plays of diverse subject matter and particular theatrical treatment in American drama, students get familiar with American theater as well as cultural and social perspectives.

To provide you with a broad critical framework of reading drama, we will read as many playwrights as we can among O'Neill, Williams, Miller, Hansberry, Albee, Mamet, Hwang, Kennedy, and Kushner. We will deal with cultural issues, types--realistic plays, naturalistic plays, feminist plays, gay plays and black theater--and diverse topics on American dream motifs.

Available video taped productions by each playwright will be shown outside of class and before the discussion in class. Class format is arranged to feature student input from Internet resources, group reports and discussions.


  1. regular class attendance; (three absences means failing the course);

  2. active class participation; group presentation;

  3. reading journals (with your own topic and position);

  4. mid-term & a final paper

Grading system:

  1. quizzes, attendance 10%;

  2. group presentation & reading journals 30%;

  3. midterm & final paper @ 30%


009. Contemporary Canadian Literature and Film: Survival in Postmodern Cities [加拿大文學與電影]
2 credits
Dr. Kate C.W. Liu (
For Juniors above
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to Western Literature

This course examines the race, gender and personal relations presented in some contemporary Canadian films and literature set in Toronto and Montreal. The imaginary cities in these works will be seen as 1.) examples of "the Canadian", and 2) counterparts of Taiwanese postmodern cities.

* How do we characterize "the Canadian"?
Reserved, gentle and sophisticated? Cold, Americanized, or -- non-identifiable? All of these words are possible but partial descriptions, since Canada, like all the other postcolonial nations, has a mixture of cultures, races and contradictory self-images. To us Taiwanese Canada offers syrup, maple leaf, picturesque tourist spots and ice-melt clean water. But to itself, it has a combination of non-militaristic national flag and the very violent hockey game, the Quebecois French which is "not-quite" French and the Canadian English which is hardly distinguishable from British and American English. Moreover, it is still struggling with the heart-wrenching question of "One nation, two nations, or many regions" -- the possibility of turning multicultural mosaic into a mixture of two solitudes or many solitudes.

* Why the Canadian?
Canada, or the Canadian culture, is actually not too far away from us -- with the daily and rapid exchange of commodities, information and people (e.g. Taiwanese and Hong Kongese immigration to Canada) between the two nations. Despite and perhaps because of the complexities mentioned above, we Taiwanese can relate to the issues (such as national identity, race and gender issues) Canada struggles with. Let's have a glimpse at the possible issues:

  1. nation--How is the Canadian different from the British and the U.S.? How does Canada retain one-ness while confirming multiculturalism? How do the film and literature of Toronto and Montreal construct national identity differently?

  2. race--Is it a "mosaic" or "vertical mosaic" (有階層的)? In other words, in what forms does racism appear in Canadian society, on both individual and institutional levels?

  3. gender--How is sexism related to racism? Or nationalism? Where are the gender, racial and national boundaries?

* Why postmodern cities in film and literature?
We need a focus. The focus on Canadian postmodern cities (i.e. Toronto and Montreal) will help us locate the issues--discuss how they are presented and treated in specific urban contexts. The urban contexts, as a matter of fact, do not just serve as passive "settings." Rather, explicitly or implicitly, they--i.e. the areas such as the ghetto, the subway, the street, the elevator and the telecommunication media such as the radio, TV and the computer -- interact with the characters, and the two together offer multiple "embodiments" of the urban issues of race, gender and nation.

* And the texts? (Please go to the syllabus for the authors and texts which are chosen.)

Major authors: --

  • Toronto-- Margeret Atwood (probably Robber Bride), Austin Clark and Dionne Brand (short stories), Michael Ondaatje In the Skin of a Lion

  • Montreal-- The Seven Streams of River Ota Robert Lepage (trans.), Dany Laferriere (short stories)

  • Collections: This Ain't No Healing Town: Toronto Stories, Montreal mon amour and Concrete Forest: The New Fiction of Urban Canada.

Major film directors:

  • Toronto -- Atom Egoyan, Patricia Rozema, Shniva Krishna

  • Montreal -- Robert Lepage (his films and play), Denys Arcand, Claude Lauzon, Montreal vu par (a film by six directors) and Cosmos (if available).

[The above shortened list is still too long for a two-hour course. Selections will have to be made.]

* Most importantly, the requirements?
 Besides the usual stuffs -- journals, class participation, group report and final exam, the course requires a commitment to watching the films outside of class and before the discussion in class. Film showing time will be announced ahead of time, and I will try to make copies available for circulation.

* Finally, the evitable--grading policy

  • Bi-weekly journal -- 20 %

  • Group report & Class Participation -- 30%

  • Final Exam -- 50%

  • Failure to read or watch the assigned texts before class can constitute reasons for failing the course. Missing one text is equal to 1/2 absence; three absences means failing the course.

A note on group report: you are allowed to use a Taiwanese text (film, play or novel) on Taipei city IF you are able to compare it with one of our texts in the conclusion of your report.


010. Child Language [兒童語言]
2 credits
Mr. Thomas Nash
For Juniors above
Class limit: 45
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

This course will look into how children learn their first language (or languages), as a means of understanding more about language, human development, communication, psychology, and socialization. We will examine how children learn language sounds, word knowledge and use, word forms, sentence structure, semantics, and the communicative use of language, and then consider theories for explaining this learning. Requirements include reading, discussion, an article review, quizzes, observations of children, and an observation report (group report). If the class size is large, students will need to help me find young children (from around nine months to three years old) for observation. Probable textbook: Foster-Cohen, Susan H. An Introduction to Child Language Development. London: Longman, 1999. Recommended pre-course reading: de Villiers, Peter A., and Jill G. de Villiers, Early Language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979. See also Hsu, Joseph H. A Study of the Stages of Development and Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese by Children in Taiwan. Taipei: The Crane, 1996; Clark, H.H., and E.V. Clark, Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977 (Chapters 8, 9, 10, & 13). This course is (somewhat) internet-assisted—see 


011. Teaching Reading [閱讀教法]
2 credits
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan (engl1018@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Juniors above
Class limit: 40
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

This one-semester course is designed for students who would like to learn more about reading and how to teach reading. In this class we will have a chance to reflect on our reading experiences: how we learned to read and what reading strategies we tend to use. By learning more about reading, hopefully, we can also improve our reading ability.

We will cover different reading theories as well as approaches for teaching reading. Various reading subskills (e.g., skimming, scanning, inference making) will also be introduced.

In addition to listening to lectures, students will do some background reading, participate in class/group discussions, take a test, have in-class practice teaching, and turn in a teaching project (in small groups, including lesson plans, teaching material, and after-teaching report).

Tentative textbook:
Nuttall, Christine. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. New edition. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996.


012. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) [電腦輔助教學]
2 credits
Dr. Rebecca Yeh (
For Juniors above
Class limit: 30
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

The number of computers used in educational and industrial training settings is increasing consistently. Computer-Assisted Instruction, with an acronym as "CAI", is any instance in which instructional content or activities are delivered via computer. This course is designed for those interested in the design, development and evaluation of computer-assisted instruction (CAI). It introduces a systematic design and evaluation process that produces successful CAI courseware. It also emphasizes knowledge from educational research that is fundamental to CAI design and evaluation. Since this course is designed for English majors, issues about CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) will be emphasized.


  • Required textbooks: 

Merrill, P. F., et al. Computers in Education. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1996.

  • Recommended textbook: 

Alessi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R. (1991). Computer-Based Instruction: Methods and Development, 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Horton, W. (2000). Designing Web-Based Training. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hannafin, M. J. & Peck, K. L. (1988). The Design, Development, and Evaluation of Instructional Software. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.


  • 40% - Major projects: design, development(20%), communication(10%), evaluation, demonstration(10%)

  • 30% - minor projects: assignments or homework

  • 20% - Midterm Exam

  • 10% - Class participation


013. Computer-Aided Bibliography and Research [電腦輔助書目及研究]
2 credits
Dr. Rebecca Yeh (engl1025@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Sophomores above
Class limit: 30
Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

The purpose of this course is to help English majors write research papers more efficiently and effectively with the assistance of computer technology. Emphasis of this course will be placed on research-writing methods and skills. Electronic information sources (e.g. on-line search, CD-ROM search, electronic mail), computer-generated papers (e.g. database management of notes, word processing), MLA and APA formats, and the traditional use of libraries and information sources will be introduced to or reviewed for students.


  • Required textbook:

Lester, L. D. (1999). Writing Research Papers. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.

  • Recommended textbook:

Gibaldi, J. (1995). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: Modern Language Association of America.


  • 55%--Research exercises (Guidelines will be provided.)

  • 10%--Presentation 

  • 20%--Midterm Exam

  • 15%--quizzes and class participation


014. Teaching English as A Second Language (TESOL)[英語教學法]
2 credits
Ms. Tina Kuo (engl1028@mails.fju.edu.tw)
Juniors above
Class Limit: 35

Prerequisite: Introduction to English Linguistics

* This tentative course description is proposed for your reference and is subject to change.

TEFL Methodology is a survey course to provide prospective English teachers an overview of both traditional and innovative language teaching methods for learners of diverse learning background. In this course, we will not only learn principles guiding language learning and teaching, but also incorporate techniques to be applied in the real classroom setting.

As long as you believe that you enjoy teaching English, capable of using "good" English, patient and enthusiastic enough to find solutions for difficulties encountered in class, you may join the world of ET (English teachers).

These are topics we might explore and have in-depth discussions for:

  • Theoretical & Empirical Perspectives on Language Competence

  • Traditional & Innovative Approaches/methods in Language Teaching

- The Grammar-Translation Method
- The Direct Method
- The Audio-Lingual Method
- The Silent Way
- The Total Physical Response Method
- Suggestopedia
- Community Language Learning
- The Communicative Approach

  • Motivation & the Affective Filters

  • Curriculum Design & Lesson Plans

  • Evaluation of teaching materials

  • Innovative Ideas in Teaching Aids

  • Designs & Implementation of Activities for Four-skill Instruction

- Oral Communication: Speaking & Pronunciation
- Activities for Listening Comprehension
- Teaching & Learning Grammar
- Reading & Writing in a Second Language

  • Error Correction Strategies and Techniques in Asking Questions

  • Classroom Management

  • Practicum

Course Requirements and Evaluation

Readings, Pop-up Quizzes & Discussions-At times you will be divided into groups discussing topics such as innovative ideas for designing teaching aids, or materials evaluation. Since each group will have a chance to present, please familiarize yourselves with assigned readings for each theme beforehand. Expect to have some pop-up quizzes to "estimate" how much you learn. (20 %)
Practicum- Students in groups are required to prepare a 10 - 15 minute presentation on teaching a specific topic which demonstrate your understanding of the principles of a teaching method and explain the designs and rationale of your lesson plan. A written lesson plan should be submitted in accordance with your teaching. (20 %)
Observation Report - students are required to make at least two observations at a language schools where English is taught and write a five-page report. It's a team project and should be completely collaboratively with 4 to 5 students in a group, with an emphasis on evaluating curriculum design, teaching methods and the teaching process. (20 %)
"What's New" & Attendance (10 %)
If time allows, we might be lucky to enjoy speeches given by guest speakers.
On November 10 - 12, students are invited to participate in any session of workshops or seminars held by the Ninth International Symposium and book Fair on English Teaching in Taipei.
Mid-term and final Exams (15 % each)
Details and test format will be announced in class.

Recommended Texts

  1. D. L. Freeman (1986). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-434133-X.

  2. H. D.Brown (1994). Teaching by principles. An interactive approach to language pedagogy.


015. Performing Arts [舞台藝術]
2 credits
Dr. Llyn Scott (

For Sophomore above
Class Limit: 40

This course offers an approach to stage performance that is designed to improve individual self-confidence by (1) developing creative imagination ; (2) improving sensory awareness ; (3) training in stage movement and voice; and (4) expanding emotional expressiveness. Furthermore, students will become acquainted with comparative developments in eastern and western theatre history. Teaching methods include lecture, personal coaching, improvisation, student observation journals, mask-making and video taping with critiques. During the semester, special guest artists will speak on aspects of professional theatre. Course content includes the fundamentals of acting as a interpretive art, especially how to analyze and create a character, and the techniques of Readers Theatre such as visualization and focus. Supplementary readings and video tapes introduce students to the careers of well-known actors and directors. Assignments allow students to perform in five prepared Acting Studios during the semester. Workshops in costuming, make-up, period hair-styling, stage combat, lighting and sound help students 
gain expertize in theatre stagecraft.


  • 5 Acting Studios

  • 5 Acting Journals

  • Mid-term Test on outline history of theatre

  • Final Test on stage and theatre terminology

  • Class participation


016. 20th Century Chinese Fiction I 
2 credits
Mr. Hsieh (
For Sophomores above
Class limit: 50


  1. 知識:從閱讀文獻、鑑賞討論選作中,了解二十世紀中國小說的變遷與特色。

  2. 方法:鍛鍊鑑賞文學作品的觀念、能力,並從過程、方法的鍛鍊中培養眼力、胸襟、處事的態度與自主學習的能力。

  3. 心靈:藉小說體驗二十世紀中國文明、中國人心態的變遷,學習如何反省自己、社會、傳統,並對應世界文明發展的主潮,為自己找個安身立命之處。

  4. 延伸:可為中外比較之參考。


上學期 下學期
單元 綱目 單元 綱目

課程說明、敘論 1

8 商業寫作1

1 啟蒙小說1 9 軍旅小說1
2 情愛小說1 10 女性小說1
3 叛逆、感傷小說1 11 個人立場與民間立場1
4 鄉土小說1

1 敘論、日據時代小說1
5 左翼小說1 2 戰歌、鄉土、女性1
6 都市、現代派小說1 3 現代主義小說1
7 救亡、諷刺小說1 4 鄉土小說一 1
8 工農兵小說1 5 鄉土小說二 1

1 頌歌、戰歌與變奏1 6 政治小說1
2 傷痕、反思小說1 7 都市小說1
3 反思、改革小說1 8 女性小說1
4 地域風情、尋根小說1 9 留學生與旅外作家小說1
5 新潮小說1 10 後現代小說1
6 新寫實小說1 11 新人類、新人文主義小說1
7 新歷史小說1 12 邊緣戰鬥與特色寫作1

  1. 各單元使用作品另見,標號如本表。
  2. 上課總次數視行事曆而定,預估有一、二個綱目會彈性刪除。
  3. 標題後之阿拉伯數字係上課次數。


  1. 全套目錄,內列各單元重要作家作品,配合概論資料可自行延伸(開學發)
  2. 概論、作品:絕大部份須製作講義,極少數用書。
  3. 教學方式:為達成教學目標,並配合工作量,採下列方式操作
  4. 同學預習、繳作業,教師帶討論、解說。 
  5. 同學分組同步或分題處理一個專題,一學期至少2次。 


  1. 為補課堂之不足,每單元都配讀概論資料,寫成綱目(條列)式提要。
  2. 沒輪到講論者,各單元作品之情節寫成條列式提要,外加主題、人物等分析更好。


  1. 設有評量項目(如作業、講論)及比例,按進度分配在各階段中,除非計劃無法推行,否則不考試。
  2. 上課規則、出缺席等另行公佈(進度表會載明)


  1. 預選人數確定,會通知開「課程說明會」,會中會確定分組、抽籤,個人、小組工作,講義(繳費、何時何地取),交代假期作業等事宜。
  2. 課程說明會有最後確認要不要修的機會,確定後不接受退選,請注意選擇的意義。
  3. 本課程教材上下學期一貫,行政上則為學期選修,建議修一年。
  4. 每次的份量(含概論、作品)100-250頁者居多,超過的約有4次。
  5. 本課程三年開一次,每位同學在大學階段只有一次機會,準備好挑戰就來。
  6. 上課時間:週四34節,一般會延長至12:30
  7. 有疑難請在選課前來談(一、四、五中午或下課時最佳)
  8. 附「二十世紀中國小說」閱讀作品目錄,意者請上系網下載檔案(http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/undergrduate/curriculum/20thCentChineseFiction_ReadingList.rtf ),或向助教索取影印。


017. Advanced Chinese for Overseas Student [進階僑生國文]
2 credits
Dr. Yun-pi Yuan (
For Sophomore Overseas Students above
Class limit: 45

This course is offered every other year to overseas Chinese students who need to take 4-credit advanced Chinese courses to fulfill the requirement of the department. The main goal of the course is to help these students to improve their reading (and basic writing abilities) in Chinese. Students will have a chance to read various types of prose (or perhaps some poems) in modern Chinese at their level. All classes will be conducted in Chinese (if all the students understand spoken Mandarin) so that students have more chance to improve their listening and speaking abilities in Chinese as well.

The course content will be geared to each individual student's needs and abilities. In addition to listening to lectures, students will do weekly reading assignments, participate in class/group discussions, give oral reports on books of their own choice, and write journals for their readings. Besides, students will keep a weekly learning log, recording the vocabulary/expressions learned. There will also be a final exam and some short writing assignments.

Students who want to take this course should see me (and give me a sample of your Chinese writing) before the end of this semester. Possible reading materials include some Chinese idioms (成語) , works by 張愛玲、魯迅、沈從文、白先勇、朱自清 and 余秋雨. Suggestions about the reading materials from the students are always welcome.


018. Professional Ethics [專業倫理]
2 credits
Fr. Daniel Bauer (
For Junior above
Class limit: 40
Prerequisite: Philosophy of Life

This course is a general introduction to the meaning of "ethics" in both professional and daily life. "Ethics" is an understanding of how we know or sense what is "right" and "wrong" in our attitudes and behavior. In itself, ethics is not directly related to religion, and has been a long-term subject for philosophers. This course focuses particularly on discussions of ethical sensitivity as it relates to gender stereotypes, confidentiality and privileged information, academic honesty, and the field of business and advertising. To a limited degree, the course also touches on medical ethics. An essential part of the course is an exchange of views between students and instructor on "practical ethics," which includes situations of so called ordinary friendships, as well as romantic friendships, and relations within family life. The instructor is considering ordering an ethics textbook which costs 350NT. Video is used twice in the course, and frequent hand-outs from daily newspapers are provided. Homework includes two written and one oral journal, and a five-case ethics folder. Students will make folder presentations in class.


019. Journalistic Writing in English I [新聞英文寫作(一)] (Advanced writing) 
2 credits
Ms. Tzi-yu Lin
For Seniors Only
Class limit: 25
Prerequisite: English Composition III

This course will aim to familiarize students with English newswriting through reading and discussing selected newspaper articles. Students will be taught the fundamental principles in translating news articles from English into Chinese and vice versa. Students are required to translate news articles from English newspaper and magazines and participate in class discussion about the presentation of their fellow students. A type-written copy of their translated pieces should be handed in to the instructor at the end of the semester.


020. Chinese-English Translation I [中英翻譯(一)] (Advanced writing)
2 credits
Mr. Daniel Wang
For Seniors Only
Class limit: 25
Prerequisite: English Composition III

This course offers practical techniques and experience in Chinese-English translation in a variety of styles and subjects. The emphases will be on (1) the structural differences between Chinese and English, (2) word choice, (3) grammatical correctness, (4) stylistic propriety.

There is no textbook for this course. Teaching materials and Chinese texts will be prepared by the instructor.

There will be five written assignments and one oral presentation during the semester. The Chinese texts to be translated for the written assignments will be provided by the instructor; the materials for the oral presentation may be chosen by students themselves but will have to be approved first by the instructor.

Since discussion in class is important, regular attendance will be expected.

There will be no mid-term or final exams. Grades will be based on (1) the evaluations of the written assignments, (2) the evaluation of the oral presentation, (3) class attendance and participation.


021. Business English Writing I [商務英文(一)] (Advanced writing)
2 credits
Mr. Brian Reynolds (ital0003@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Seniors Only
Class limit: 25
Prerequisite: English Composition III

This course is designed for students who would like to work in the business world after graduation and is also useful for those who intend to apply for a business related graduate school. The emphasis will be on the practical skills that you will need on a day-to-day basis if you are lucky enough to land a job that requires a good working knowledge of English, although we shall also be looking at some global economic issues in the first semester.

During this semester, we shall deal with various forms of paper correspondence (i.e. not electronic). Writing letters in a correct style of English is a skill that even native speakers have to learn. Nobody expects non-native speakers to be word perfect, but it is essential to understand how the profound cultural differences between people from Chinese and English speaking backgrounds affect the style and tone of business correspondence. Therefore, we shall be discussing questions of interpersonal relationships, hierarchy and ways of showing respect through the use of different language registers and levels of formality. You will also learn about the structure and presentation of business letters as well as how to vary content and style. Specifically, in the first semester we will look at requests for information, complaints, sales letters and how to reply both negatively and positively to the same. We shall also deal with in-company communications such as memos minute of meetings and reports to head office.

We will also cover other types of business documents such as banking protocols, orders, invoices, statements and receipts. Finally, we shall cover some of the jargon and conventions of commercial correspondence.

The principal method we shall be using to help you to acquire these skills will be through the use of "real life" situations. You will be presented with a variety of scenarios that you would be likely to come across in the Taiwanese business world. You will be expected to work effectively in a group as well as making individual presentations.

In the era of globalization and the information revolution, it is essential for business people to be aware world economic issues and trends. Inasmuch as time permits, we shall deal with matters such as the local and world economic scene, the stock market and international trade.

No one book could cover all the areas we shall be dealing with, so we shall be relying mainly on handouts. However, it is strongly recommended that you acquire a copy of: Ashley, A. (1992), A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence (Oxford, OUP).

I hope those of you who choose this course will find it useful and stimulating. I will also welcome any ideas that you might have on course content.


022. English-Chinese Oral Interpretation [英中口譯]
2 credit
Mr. Paul Yeh (
For Seniors Only
Class Limit:

This course will introduce you to the three modes of interpretation, namely sight interpretation, simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation. Together we will explore a basic model of communication, and establish a link between this model and the process of interpretation. We will also briefly cover the possible roles played by the interpreter in an interpreter-mediated event, and discuss issues concerning the quality of interpretation. The best, or the most terrifying part, of this course is that you really get to interpret!! We will start with short consecutive interpretation, so you can not only experience what it is like, physically and mentally, to be an interpreter, but also apply what you have learnt to the actual process of interpretation. Sight interpretation will then be introduced to enhance your ability to interpret while following the word order of the source text.

To ensure the continuation of your training, you must attend every class. You will have to come to class prepared, because passing this course requires hard work.

Group Reports: 40%
Class Performance: 60%

May the Force be with you.


023. Senior Play [大四劇場實務實習]
1 credit
Dr. Llyn Scott (engl1014@mails.fju.edu.tw)
For Seniors Only

All the seniors involved in the senior play should take this course.

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