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2007/04/21 英語教學與在職學生座談會
2007 Spring 英語遠距教學:學生需求與課程管理 The Distance-Learning Seminar: Student Needs and Class Management
2006 Fall 以英語授課之利與弊 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using English as the Language of Instruction
2006 Spring 網路英語與自主學習
2004/03/26-27 輔仁大學第五屆中世紀學術研討會:歐日中世文學中的無常觀(協辦,日本語文學系主辦)
2003 Fall 全方位英語和高中、大學連線
2003/03/28-29 輔仁大學第四屆中世紀學術研討會: 騎士精神、騎士文學(協辦,法國語文學系主辦)
2002/03/21-22 輔仁大學第三屆中世紀學術研討會: 黎明前的曙光-但丁與其時代 (協辦,義大利語文學系主辦)
2001/03/22-23 輔仁大學第二屆中世紀學術研討會:十日談與坎特柏利故事集(與義大利語文學系共同主辦)
2001 大學英語課程與多元教學法
2000/04/21 Medieval Studies Forum
1999 網路與多媒體教學



2007/05/23 英語學習演講系列互動還是交流? Interactive or Communicative: Educational Webpage Design from the Perspective of Messaging Delivery
2007/04/18 英語學習演講系列求學之如何準備托福考試 How to Prepare for TOFEL?
2007/03/12 英語學習演講系列商業之英語求職面試 How to Market Yourself in English?
2006 Fall- 如何利用科技改進遠距教學Technologies for Effective Distance Learning (東卡羅萊納大學楊必武)

Lecture Series, Dr. Martin Elsky

Posters and Announcement

Topic: Managing a Country House: Ben Jonson and a Seventeenth-Century Household

This paper uses archival materials (the correspondence of Robert Sidney, including correspondence with his wife) to contrast Jonson’s image of Penshurst,. Robert Sidney’s principal residence, with the social realities of life in the country on the periphery of the court. The emphasis will fall on the attempt to use a local, county identity to forge an identity based in a national monarchical center, London.

Discussant: Prof. Wang I-chun, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, NSYSU
Time: January 8, 2007 (Monday). 9:30~11:30
Place: SF901

Topic: Architecture and Renaissance Poetry

It will first focus on the Renaissance invention of the private room, the studio, as part of the division between private and public spaces that developed in Renaissance domestic interiors. It will then show how this architectural innovation is reflected in the poetry of the period, probably with emphasis on Philip Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella.

Time: January 10, 2007 (Wednesday). 10:10~12:00
Place: SF130

Topic: Religion and the Politics of Identity in the Literary Criticism of Erich Auerbach

As author of Mimesis (1946; English trans. 1953), Auerbach made a lasting mark on literary criticism in Europe and America. There has been a steady stream of interest about his work in the US and now especially in Germany. In collaboration with a German and an American colleague I have just completed a translation of some of Auerbach’s war time letters; the translation will appear in PMLA (2007). I also note that a scholar in Taiwan (National Central University) has recently published an article on Auerbach in a prestigious American journal (Daniel Fried, Comparative Literature 57 (2005): 312-327).

My paper concerns Auerbach as a twentieth-century transcultural intellectual within the context of Germany’s "tri-confessional" history. Born in Berlin to a Jewish family, he received a French Protestant education, and ultimately adopted a Catholic view of European culture and literature. By the time he was forced from Germany under the Nazis, and in exile in Istanbul, he turned to biblical exegesis as the basis of the entire Western literary tradition. His turn to biblical narrative was in essence a meditation on the relation between religion and national identity. In late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany, ancient religious controversy about the orientation of Greek, Jewish, and Christian religion and thought became a focal point for determining the relation between Judaism, Catholicism, and Protestantism in the formation of the German national state. Philological scholarship presented itself as the means to adjudicate the public claims of religious denominations. Auerbach’s escape to Istanbul was an occasion to apply the philology he took with him from Germany to look back upon the relation between scholarship, religion, and identity; Istanbul became the location for a "tri-confessional" meditation that produced a powerful account of European literature. My focus will center around his best known essay, "Figura," as the turning point in his outlook on literature and as the first step towards his masterwork Mimesis, which has recently been re-released by Princeton University Press with an introduction by Edward Said.

Discussant: Prof. Daniel Fried, Department of English, NCU
Time: January 11, 2007 (Thursday). 13:40~15:30
Place: LA302

Lecture Series, Prof. Jesse Crisler

Topic: Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself
Speaker:  Jesse Crisler, Professor of English, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA
Time: Thursday, January 11, 2007, 9:10 a.m.- noon
Place: SF901

Topic: Through Western Eyes: Young Adult Literature Set in China
Speaker:  Jesse Crisler, Professor of English, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA
Time: Friday, January 12, 2007, 3:40-5:00 p.m.
Place: LC302

Lecture Series, Dr. Marguerite Connor

Posters and Announcement

Topic: Evolutions in Detective Fiction: Old Themes/Modern Interpretations
Speaker:  Dr. Marguerite Connor
Time: April 11, 2006 (Tuesday). 12:00~13:40
Place: LA202

Topic: Shakespeare, The Movie: 20th Century Shakespeares
Speaker:  Dr. Marguerite Connor
Time: April 13, 2006 (Thursday). 12:00~13:40
Place: LA202

Topic: The Paper War: American Literary Responses to British Anti-Americanism, 1800-1828

The discuss will be the war of words that took place between British and American writers during the first quarter of the nineteenth century.  That British commentary on America often suited domestic political purposes.  American responses to British criticism generally became more nationalistic as time went on but also reflected political and regional variations.   The strengths and weakness of American replies to British criticisms also will be discussed.

Speaker:  Dr. William Joseph Eaton 周一騰教授
淡江大學美國研究所傅爾布萊特客座教授,美國聖喬治大學Humanities Division主任
Time: December 14, 2005 (Wednesday). 13:30-15:30
Place: 外語學院LA302

Topic: The Joys of Linguistic Research 語言研究的樂趣
Speaker:  王士元院士
Host: Prof. Agnes, Yun-Pi Yuan
Time: October 11 (Tuesday), 2005, 11:00~12:00
Place: LA302

Topic: Assessment in a Digital Age
Speaker:  Prof. Clifford Hill
Host: Prof. Agnes, Yun-Pi Yuan
Time: November 12 (Wednesday), 2003, 1:40~3:30
Place: SF131

Topic: American Cultural Diversity 
Speaker:  Ms. Judith Mudd-Krijgelmans (美國在台協會文化新聞組組長柯玖蒂女士)
Time: November 26 (Wednesday), 2003, 1:30~3:30
Place: SF131

Wandering about Capital Cities--Residence Authors' Creative Writing
台北市政府文化局 「都市吟遊─國際作家駐市創作」專案活動

Speaker:  Mr. Bernard Cohen柏納.柯漢先生
Time: Dec. 14, 2000, Thursday, 1:30 ~3:30
Place: LH103綜合教室
Website: http://www.hermes.net.au/bernard/

Speaker:  Mr. Chaz Brenchley 夏滋.布藍齊利
Time: December 20, 2000, Wednesday, 1:30 ~ 3:30
Place: LC501-502(比研所教室)
co-sponsored by The Graduate Institute of Comparative Literature
Website: http://www.users.zetnet.con.uk/iplus/misc/cb.htm

Speaker:  Mr. Greg Gatenby 葛列格.葛譚比
Time: Dec. 21, 2000, Thursday, 1:30~3:30
Place: Geng-Hsin Lou Meeting Room 104 (耕莘樓一樓 104 室 )

Educational Theatre and Cultural Studies Forum

輔仁大學外語學院『外交認知 』系列講座(五)

  • Topic: 當前我國外語人才培訓的前瞻與願景
  • Time: May 10, 2000, 1:30-3:30
  • Place: SF131
  • Speaker: 李振清,教育部國際文化教育事業處處長
    • 學歷
      1979 美國夏威夷大學語言學博士
      1979 美國夏威夷大學英語教學(ESL)語言學
      1963 國立台灣師範大學英語系學士
      1988 革命實踐研究院文教建設第一期結業(學員長)
    • 經歷
      1985-92 國立台灣師範大學英語系及英語研究所教授,
      1979-85 國立台灣師範大學英語系副教授,
      1982-88 國立台灣師範大學外國語文學系兼任教授
      1992-97 駐美國台北經濟文化代表處文化組參事兼組長
      1993    美國馬利蘭大學東歐及亞洲及東歐語言文化系兼任教授
    • 現職:教育部國際文化事業處處長
    • 研究領域:Linguistics, ESL, Translation & Interpretation-T&I), English reading and writing
    • 教授課程:Linguistics, ESL, Translation & Interpretation-T&I), Advanced English reading and writing
    • 著作:
      Li, Chen-ching. 1999.  "Sweeping Education Reform in Taiwan: From Primary Education to Lifelong and Global Learning."   Proceeding, APEC Education Forum Meeting, Sanitago, Chile.
      ---.  1994.  "The Impact of College Entrance Examination on High School ESL/EFL Writing."  Georgetown University on Language and Linguistics


輔仁大學外語學院『外交認知 』系列講座(二)

  • Topic: 我國與美國之外交關係
  • Time: March 1, 2000, 1:30-3:30
  • Place: SF131
  • Speaker: Mr. Liu, Che-gueng, Director of Department of North American Affairs  (外交部北美司 劉志攻司長)
    • 出生日期:44年4月7日
    • 籍貫:江蘇省阜寧縣
    • 學歷:國立政治大學外交學系畢業、國立政治大學政治研究所碩士、國立政治大學政治研究所博士
    • 經歷:國立政治大學國際關係研究中心副研究員、外交部禮賓司薦任科員、外交部禮賓司專門委員、外交部北美司專門委員、北美事務協調委員會駐波士頓辦事處副處長、駐南非大使館參事、北美事務協調委員會駐美國代表處秘書(政治)組組長
    • 現職:外交部北美司司長
    • 著作:《中華民國在聯合國大會的參與》(台灣商務印書館)

輔仁大學外語學院『外交認知 』系列講座(一)

  • Time: December 22, 1999, 1:30-3:30
  • Place: SF130
  • Speaker: Mr. Hsia, Li-Yen, The Director of Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs  (外交部國際組織司 夏立言司長)