
課程介紹    時間表




Always historize --

Always spatialize -- Always contextualize.


Fall, 1999
馬克思主義和文化研究都是廣大龐雜的論述與實踐系統﹐但是自文化研究於1950's開始發跡成形起﹐二者就有許多重疊之處﹒一方面西方馬克斯主義幾經變革下,不斷修正傳統馬克斯主義對文化與基層(Base)製造關係的反應理論,對文化也有了越來越複雜的研究。(其中顯著的例子就是以Jameson 為首的Marxist Literary Group --MLG-- 擴充研究對象,連結後現代主義、後結構主義、文化研究。)另一方面,文化研究──尤其是Stuart Hall所解釋的文化研究──也以Adorno、Raymond Williams 和新左派為師承。





──文化文本如何作社會實踐,作者和閱聽者的角色如何 ──文本如何「再製造」意識形態?在文化線路(circuit of culture)中,意識形態如何被符碼化

──資訊社會的製造模式(mode of production)會產生什麼意識形態?




  • 馬克斯主義、文化研究的基本主張介紹
  • 討論個人研究方向

Video: The Greatest Thinkers: Marx

--"Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas"; 
--"Base and Superstructure";
--"Letter to Joseph Bloch" 等選文 from PTPC

"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels" (from MA)
例子:凱蒂貓辯論和921 地震

  • Marx "The Commodity"  Capital 選文 (pp. 125-77)

Introduction by Ernest Mandel

    II. Frankfurt School on Culture industry
  • Benjamin
--"The Author as Producer" (from Reflections); 
--"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (from Illuminations)

Benjamin-Adorno debate

  • Benjamin and Adorno's debate on Modernism: 
--"Letter to Walter Benjamin" (from ACSR); 
--"On the fetish character in music and the regression of listening" (from Culture Industry); 
--"The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" (CSR)

Adorno "On Popular Music" (from PTPC)

    III. Dabates on Populism in Cultural Studies
--de Certeau  "General Introduction"; "Making Do: Uses and Tactics"
--John Fiske  "Power Plays." (from Power)

John Fiske  "Cultural Studies and the Culture of Everyday Life." (CS)

--Jim McGuigan "Trajectories of Cultural Populism" (from PTPC)
--Simon Frith  "The Good, the bad, and the indifferent: defending popular culture from the populist" (from ACSR)

IV. Social Formation and Hegemony
Althusser: "Ideology and State Apparatus" (from Lenin; Student outline); 
---.  "Contradictions and Overdeterminations" (from For Marx)

--P. Ricouer "Althusser's Theory of Ideology"(from Althusser)
--"Ideological Analysis and Television" (from Channel)
  • Gramsci's hegemony
Gramsci  "Hegemony, Intellectuals and the State" (from PTPC)
Tony Bennet  "Popular Culture and the turn to 'Gramsci'"(from PTPC)

V. Cultural Studies and Other Revisions/Challenges of Marxism
Stuart Hall  "Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms"(from ACSR); "Encoding, decoding";
Hall on Articulation



--Lefebvre "Toward a Leftist Cultural Politics"; 
--Etienne Balibar "The Vacillation of Ideology" (from M&IC

"Introduction: The Territory of Marxism"

Jameson "On Interpretation"  or on postmodernism
Eagleton on Ideology; Eagleton's Materialist Marxism

VI.  Individual projects
"Towards a Respatialized Marxism: Lefebvre, Harvey and Castells"(from Marxism and the City)
Final Paper Presentation
  • Adorno, Theodor W.  The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture.
  • ---.  Adorno, Theodore and Max Horkheimer "The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception."
  • Althusser, Louis. "Ideology and State Apparatus"
  • Benjamine, Walter.  Reflections.
  • ---.  Illuminations.
  • de Certeau.  The Practice of Everyday Life.  Tr. Steven Rendall.  Berkeley: U of California P, 1984.
  • During, Simon, ed.  The Cultural Studies Reader.  NY: Routledge, 1993.  (簡稱 CSR)
  • Elliot, Gregory.  Althusser: A Critical Reader.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.  (has P. Ricouer "Althusser's Theory of Ideology")
  • Fiske, John.  Power Plays, Power Works. NY: Verso, 1993.
  • Gendron, Bernard.  "Theordor Adorno  Meets the Cadillacs."  Studies in Entertainment.  Ed. Tania Modleski.  Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1986.
  • Gramsci "Hegemony, Intellectuals and the State"
  • Grossberg, Lawrence, et al. eds. Cultural Studies.  NY: Routledge, 1992. (簡稱 CS)
  • Katznelson, Ira.  Marxism and the City.  Oxford: Clarendon P, 1992.
  • Munns, Jessica, & Gita Rajan, eds.  A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice.     NY: Longman, 1995.  (簡稱 ACSR)
  • Nelson, Cary, & Lawrence Grossberg, eds. Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture.  Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1988. (簡稱M&IC)
  • Storey, John ed.  Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader.   NY: Harvester, 1994. (簡稱  PTPCMarxism section
  • Excerpts from George Ritzer. MacDonaldization of Society and/or Manuel Castells The Rise of the Network Society
  • The Polity Reader in Cultural Theory. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1994.



Turner Graeme  唐維敏譯《英國文化研究導讀》,台北︰亞太圖書,1998。
Said, Edward  單德興譯《知識分子論》台北:麥田出版社,1997。
Hall, Stuart、陳光興  唐維敏編譯《文化研究霍爾訪談錄》,台北︰元尊文化,1998。
陳光興、楊明敏編《內爆麥當奴•Cultural Studies》 台北:島嶼邊緣,1992。


Bocock, Robert著、張君玫&黃鵬仁譯 (1993/1995):《消費(Consumption)》。台北:巨流。

Alexander, Feffrey C. & Steven Seidmkan ed. 吳潛誠編較《文化與社會》,台北:立緒1998

李河 (1998):《文化是一個故事》。台北:書林。

Jenks, Chris著、俞智敏、陳光達、王淑燕譯(1993/1998):《文化(Culture)》。台北:巨流。

Hometh, Axel著、劉維公譯 (1992):〈片段化的象徵世界:波迪爾文化社會學的省思〉,《當代》,77:14-31。

Garnham, Nicholas, & Williams, Raymond著、鄭明椿編譯(1992):〈波迪爾的文化社會學〉,《當代》,77:32-41。




陳光興 (1992):〈英國文化研究的系譜學〉,收於陳光興、楊明敏編《內爆麥當奴》,頁7-15。台北:島嶼邊緣雜誌社。

Fiske, John.  Understanding Popular Culture. NY: Routledge, 1989.

Sociology of Culture:

Williams, Raymond. (1981/1995). The Sociology of Culture. New York: Schocken Books/Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Chap. 1: Toward a sociology of culture, pp. 9-32.

Chap. 5: Identifications, pp. 119-147.

Elizabeth Long (Ed.), From Sociology to Cultural Studies. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1997.

Diana Crane (Ed.), The Sociology of Culture: Emerging Theoretical Perspectives. Oxford, UK & Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1994.

Richard Collins et al. Media, Culture and Society: A Critical Reader. London & Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1986.

Griswold, Wendy. (1994). Cultures and Societies in a Changing World. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge.

Culture and society : a sociology of  culture
       作者:Billington, Rosamund ..., 文圖     301.2 C968-a
Culture, ideology and social process :     a reader
       作者: Bennett, Tony ..., 文圖 301 C967
Culture as praxis  作者:Sage, 1999,

Hall, John, & Neitz, Mary Jo. (1993). Culture: Sociological Perspectives. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Smith, Philip. (Ed.) (1998). The New American Cultural Sociology. Cambridge University Press.

Alexander, Jeffrey C., & Seidman, Steven. (Eds.) (1990). Culture and Society: Contemporary Debates. Cambridge, UK & New York: Cambridge University Press. (重要著作之節錄選輯,中譯本:《文化與社會: 當代論辯》,吳潛誠總編校,立緒文化公司。)


Williams, Raymond Maxism and Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977

Foucault, Michel Power/Knowledge, Brighton Sussex: Harvester Press, Chapter 6.

Eagleton, Terry.  Ideology and Criticism.

---, ed.  Marxist Literary Theory.

Jameson, F. "On Interpretation."  The Political Unconscious.

Solomon, Maynard, ed . Marxism and Art.  Fourth Printing.  Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1979. (簡稱 MA

General Orientations to Cultural Studies

Hall, Stuart. 1981. "Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms," in Tony Bennett et al. (ed.) Culture, Ideology and Social Process. pp.19-37.

-------. 1986. "Popular Culture and the State," in Tony Bennett, Colin Mercer & Janet Woollacott (ed.) Popular Culture and Social Relations. Philadelphia: Open University Press. pp.22-49.

-------. 1990. "The Emergence of Cultural Studies and the Crisis of the Humanities," October, no.53 (1990) : 11-23.

Bennett, Tony. 1990. Outside Literature. London: Routledge. pp.1-37.

Bennett, Tony. 1986. "Popular Culture and the 'Turn to Gramsci'," "The Politics of the 'Popular' and Popular Culture," in Tony Bennett, Colin Mercer & Janet Woollacott (ed.) Popular Culture and Social Relations. Philadelphia: Open University Press. pp.xi-21.

Kellner, Douglas. (Forthcoming). "Toward a multiperspectival Cultural Studies."

Gitlin, Todd. 1989. "Postmodernism: Roots and Politics," in Ian Angus and Sut Jhally (ed.) Cultural Politics in Contemporary America. London: Routledge. pp.347-360.


Geertz, Clifford. (1983). Art as a cultural system. In Local Knowledge (pp. 94-120).

Becker, Howard C. (1982). Art Worlds. Berkeley, CA: The University of California.

Zolberg, Vera. (1990). Constructing a Sociology of the Arts. Cambridge, UK & New York: Cambridge University Press.

Crane, Diana. (1992). The Production of Culture. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

DiMaggio, Paul. (1987). Classification in the arts. American Sociological Review, 52(August), 440-455.

"Ideological Analysis and Television." Channels of Discourse, Reassembled. Ed. Robert C. Allen.


Watt, Ian著、魯燕萍譯 (1957/1994):《小說的興起(The Rise of the Novel)》。台北:桂冠圖

書。 第1-3 & 5-6章; 頁33-101 & 149-235。

Chap. 1-3 & 5-6; pp. 9-92 & 135-207.

Coser, Lewis; Kadushin, Charles; & Powell, Walter W. (1982). Books: The Culture and Commerce of

Publishing. New York: Basic Books. pp. 128-147.

Kaestle, Carl. (1991). Standardization and diversity in American print culture: 1880 to the present. In

Literacy in the United States: Readers and Reading Since 1880 (pp. 272-293). New Haven, CT: Yale

University Press.

Tuchman, Gaye. (1989). Edging Women Out: Victorian Novelists, Publishers, and Social Change.  New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.