Vocabulary Teaching and Individual Talks


Angela's Vocabulary Teaching

Veto:  veto (v)   veto-vetoed-vetoed
(1) To officially refuse to approve or allow something.
        Ex. The president will veto the election law if Congress passes it.
  (2)   To refuse to accept someone's suggestion
        Ex. Linda has vetoed every idea I've had so far.

Angela's Individual Talk

Wayne's Vocabulary Teaching

Moribund (adj.)

 no longer effective and not likely to continue for much longer.

 Ex: The workers were dismissed because of the moribund industry.

 Wayne's Individual Talk

Casper's Vocabulary Teaching
blimey: blimy=god blind me

 it's a interjection to show one's surprise

Casper's Individual Talk

Doris' Vocabulary Teaching

Vilify (vt) : vilification (n)

Its meaning is to say bad things or criticize someone very strongly especially in a way that is not fair.

ex: We often see some politician vilify someone before the election

Doris' Individual Talk
Eliza's Vocabulary Teaching

procrastinate (v.) : delay or postpone action

procrastination (n.)

procrastinator: people who tends to postpone everything or put off things

Eliza's Individual Talk

Elle's Vocabulary Teaching

Zest: Zest is an uncountable noun. And  it's adjective is zestful.
There are three meanings for Zest:
         (1) The enjoyment and enthusiasm for something. 
              Ex.: He has a great zest for life. 
         (2) the quality of being exciting, interesting, and enjoyable. 
              Ex.: The slight risk added zest to the experience. 
         (3) The outer skin of an orange, a lemon...etcetera.           

Elle's Individual Talk

Gina's Vocabulary Teaching

  Slander : 1. (n.) Slander is an untrue spoken statement about someone which is intended 
                                to damage their reputation
                          e.g.:  Dr. Bach is now suing the company for slander.

                    2. (v.) To slander someone means to say untrue things about them in order to
                               damage their reputation

                                                         e.g. :  He has been questioned on suspicion of slandering the Prime Minister.

 Gina's Individual Talk

James' Vocabulary Teaching

Atonement (n) - to make up, Reconciliation

Atone (v)

Ex: The day Jesus Christ died, that was the day God and mankind reached  atonement

 James' Individual Talk

Lavender's Vocabulary Teaching  

: It means questioning something is true or useful. 
Skeptically (adv)
Skeptic (n):
A skeptic is someone who always doubts about something, especially about Religions.


 Lavender's Individual Talk 

Lenny's Vocabulary Teaching

Detract (verb): detracts, detracting, detracted
                            detract from the beauty, detract from the value
                           Ex.: The publicity could detract from our election campaign.

Detractor (noun): someone who criticizes something to make it seem less good,
                                attractive, or important.
This performance will silence many of his detractors.

Lenny's Individual Talk

Maggie's Vocabulary Teaching 

(1) ensnare: if a bad situation ensnares someone, they are unable to escape from it  
(2) agitate (v) : try to cause social or political changes by arguing or protesting, or through other political activity
ex. students agitate for freedom.
agitated (adj): worried or upset
                      ex. she became increasingly agitated as the interview proceeded.

agitation (n): a feeling of being worried or upset
                      ex. he paced up and down the room in agitation.

agitator (n): someone who organize and persuades people to join a 
                  protest or approve of people like this

Maggie's Individual Talk 


Tina's Vocabulary Teaching


   1. adj: Making you feel unhappy without hope or enthusiasm. 
   2. The same meaning: blue, melancholy 
   Ex.: He has become dismal since he failed in business.

very bad 
   Ex.: a dismal performance, a dismal weather

Tina's Individual Talk

Veronica's Vocabulary Teaching

Remonstrance (n.):   Means protest                                     
      e.g.:  The Government should listen to the remonstrances from the citizens
               and take it seriously.

Remonstrate (v.): Make a protest against sth. or with sb.    
      e.g.: Women have become more conscious about their rights and nowadays, 
      they are willing to remonstrate against the unfairness they were forced to receive from the
                                        old days.

  Veronica's Individual Talk

Chele's Vocabulary Teaching

freelance (also free lance):

A. adjective, adverb: doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization
       e.g.: Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.
               Have you heard that Josh become a freelance artist?

B. noun (also freelancer): 1. a person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any  
                                                  of them.
                                             e.g.: The firm employs several freelances.
                                             2. an uncommitted independent, as in politics or social life.
                                             3. a medieval mercenary.

C. verb: e.g. I prefer to freelance from home rather than to work in an office.