CAI課體設計流程CAI Courseware
Design Procedure

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Fu-Jen Side
Project Topics
1.    黃怡潔 E-mail
Easy Learning TOEFL
2.    林擇惟 E-mail
How to learn English in the lyrics of songs?
3.    張為明 E-mail
4.    王隸蒂E-mail
5.    陳雅如E-mail
6.    黎美思E-mail
The English Discovery 
7.    樊愛華E-mail
8.    王欣堯E-mail
Shakespear's work 
9.    許艾苓E-mail
10.  鄢如宇E-mail
11.  陳凱貞E-mail
Jack's Zoo Adventure 
12.  施雅萍E-mail
13.  曾鈺婷E-mail
Happy Halloween
14.  袁千惠E-mail
Have fun with 26 letters
15.  林楷均E-mail
Teaching Baseball Vocabulary
16.  呂怡德E-mail
如何聽懂 ICRT 
17.  汪益如E-mail
移民土豆村- 入境隨俗學英語 
18.  彭信澤E-mail
Gerund and Present Participle
19.  林依嫻E-mail
遊戲式教學(Instructional games) 
練習式教學(Drill and practice) 
20.  黃元慧E-mail
21.  張楷欣E-mail
To teach children english 
22.  郭婉玲E-mail
23.  陳鈺婷E-mail


Project Guildelines:
Project II. Design
  •  Second phase of the design procedure
  •  It's critical to the effectiveness of the lesson.
  •  It should address each of the following:
               1. Analyze and outline all the content and skills you want to teach.

               2. Instructional strategies.

               3. Design feedbacks and responses. (See Appendix A to view some factors.)

               4. Interface design.

Project III. Flowchart and Storyboards
  •  Based on your second project: Design.
  •  Create a flowchart to depict your CAI lesson.
  •  Level of flowchart: depending on the complexity of your lesson.
  •  Create your storyboards.

  •  Copy your flowchart and storyboards. (One for your programmers, one for the instructor.)
  •  Based on your second project: Design.
  •  Create a flowchart to depict your CAI lesson.
  •  Level of flowchart: depending on the complexity of your lesson.
  •  Create your storyboards.

  •  Copy your flowchart and storyboards. (One for your programmers, one for the instructor.)
  • Back
  • Project IV. Final Project Demonstration
    • Create a page called Final Project and link it to your homepage.
    • Include following elements into this page:
      1. Project topic
      2. Designers
      3. Preliminary Description
      4. Design Specifications
      5. Final Program
      6. Relevant web sites about the topic you teach


  • WWW Instructions
  • How to upload your web page
  • Making an HTML files
  • Scanning your own images


    Design Procedure:
    (From  Chapter 7 of: Alessi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R. (1991). Computer-Based Instruction: Methods and Development, 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.)

      Activities Explanations Designer
    1 Determine needs and goals * Determine what the student should know or be able to do after completing the lesson.  Fu-Jen
    2 Collect resources * Relevant to subject matter, instructional development, and delivery system. 
    * In this course they refer to things such as textbooks, reference books, original source materials, films, audio tapes, etc.
    3 Learn the content * The designer must be very familiar with the content. 
    * Ex. interviewing the expert, reading texts and other instructional materials. etc.
    4 Generate ideas * Do brainstorming to generate creative ideas.  Fu-Jen
    5 Design instruction * Performing concept and task analyses on the content. 
    * Preliminary choices about instructional methodologies and factors.
    6 Flowchart the lesson * Depicts the sequence and decisions of a lesson. 
    * The visual representation of decisions and events is the best way to depict the interactions between computer & learners.
    7 Storyboard displays on paper * Depicts the content and presentations. 
    * The process of preparing textual and pictorial displays so they will fit within the display limitations of your computer. 
    * Include information presentations, questions, feedback, directions, prompts, pictures, and animations.
    Fu-Jen & CHU
    8 Program the lesson * Translate what you have on paper into a series of instructions 
    understandable to the computer.
    9 Produce supporting materials   Fu-Jen & CHU
    10 Evaluate and revise   Fu-Jen & CHU

    Features of the procedure:
    1.  It is empirically based: based on a cycle of draft, evaluate, and revise until the product works.
    2.  It is driven by principles of cognitive psychology. (See chapter 1 for more information.)
    3.  It is an emphasis on creativity.
    4.  It is the progression from discussion to paper ideas to implementation on a computer.
    5.  It is a team-oriented approach. Courseware is always better when several people collavorate.
    (1) More skills and knowledge are involved in a development effort than one person tytpically has.
    (2) Several people working together raise the expected standard of acceptable quality.
    (3) An individual is not good at criticizing his/her own ideas or work.