
Selective Readings of Modern and Contemporary Literary Theories:
Textuality, Sexuality and Postmodern Ethics
Date Theoretical Texts Possible Literary/Cultural Texts

1. Structuralism & Semiotics-- from Deep Structure to Intertextuality



Critical Theories and Literary Criticism
Structuralism: Basics

1, 2
M. Butterfly



10/5 Levi Strauss
1. from Triste Tropiques (0. 1415-1427)
2. "The Structural Study of Myth" (110-18) (1-1)*
3.--> [Practice] "Film Narrative" (2)*
1, 2 (EngSite)
The Western
10/12 Roland Barthes:
4. selections from Mythologies and "From Work to Text" (1457-1414);
5. "Myth Today" (3)*
1, 2


Extensions and Intersections:

6. Intertextuality: "Inroduction" & "Intertextuality and Ontology" (4)*

"The Yellow Wallpaper"

2. Poststructuralism -- - Challenging Subjectivity and Meaning

10/26 Author:
4. Roland Barthes "The Death of the Author" (1466-1470) Cathy
7. Foucault "What is an Author?" (1622-1636) Lena

1(Foucault); 2 author

ref. Foucault


Jacques Derrida
8. "Differance" (1-3)*
Tower Tao


Julia Kristeva
9. from Revolutions in Poetic Language (2165-79)
1, 2


Extensions and Intersections:
10. "The Frame of Reference: Poe, Lacan, Derrida" (Barbara Johnson from The Purloined Poe)
11. "Displacement and the Discourse of Woman" (Spivak on Derrida) Hope

1, 2

3. Feminism -- -Gender and Sexuality;

11/23 Michel Foucault (1648-1666)
7. from The History of Sexuality chapters 1-2 Aeon


Gayle Rubin
"The Traffic in Women" (1-2)* Amber
"Sexual Transformations" (1-4)*


Judith Butler: Gender and Performativity
13. (2485-2501) from Gender Trouble Hugo
14. "Imitation and Gender Insubordination" (1-5)*

Paris is Burning


Extensions and Intersections:
15. "Sexuality and Urban Space" (7)*
16. "Maculinity as Spectacle" (8)* Maria Chiang

4. Poststructuralism and Beyond: Other and the Postmodern Ethics


Julia Kristeva
from Powers of Horror (9)* Carmilla


Levinas and Derrida
18. Simon Critchley "The Ethics of Deconstruction: The Argument" (10)*
Being John Malkovich


Zygmunt Bauman
19. "The Moral Party of Two" "An Overview: In the End is the Beginning" from Postmodern ethics (11)*


Dr. Martin Elsky's speech:
"Religion and the Politics of Identity in the Literary Criticism of Erich Auerbach"
1/18 Paper Presentation and Party!!!  

*0. Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Eds. Vincent B. Leitch, et al. NY: Norton, 2001. (table of content)

Claude Levi-Strauss Triste Tropiques (0. 1415-1427)
Roland Barthes from Mythologies, "The Death of an Author" and "From Work to Text" (1457-1414)
Michel Foucault (1615-1669)
Julia Kristeva (2165-2179)

* Handouts:

1. Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. NY: Blackwell, 1998.

1-1. 110-18-- "The Structural Study of Myth"
1-2. 533-60 -- "The Traffic in Women."
1-3. 385-407 -- "Differance"
1-4. 679-682 -- "Sexual Transformations"
1-5. 722-729 -- "Imitation and Gender Insubordination."

2. Graeme Turner. Film as Social Practice. Routledge, 1999.

3. Roland Barthes. Mythologies. NY: Hill and Wang, 1982.

4. Michael Worton,Judith Still. Intertextuality: Theories and Practices. Manchester UP, 1990.

5. John P. Muller,William J. Richardson, eds. The Purloined Poe: Lacan, Derrida, and Psychoanalytic Reading. John Hopkins UP, 1988.

6. Gayatri Spivak. "Displacement and the Discourse of Woman." A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader. Eds. Antony Easthope and Kate McGowan. Buckingham: Open UP, 1994: 167-180.

7. Lawrence Knopp. "Sexuality and Urban Space: A Framework for Analysis." Mapping Desire. Eds. David Bell and Gill Valentine. New York, London: Routledge, 1995.

8. Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in the Hollywood Cinema. Eds. Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark. NY: Routledge, 1993.

9. Kelly Oliver, ed. The Portable Kristeva. NY: Columbia UP, 2002.

10. Simon Critchley. Ethics of deconstruction : Derrida and Levinas. Oxford : Blackwell, 2002.Oxford : Blackwell

11. Bauman, Zygmunt, Postmodern Ethics. London 1993.

Reference: After Poststructuralism: Reading, Stories and Theory. Colin David. NY: Routledge, 2004.